Work and family
The compatibility of work, research and family is a central concern of the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics. The institute’s management, its group leaders, the personnel department and the Gender Equality Officer all work hand in hand to address this concern. Various offerings and programs should provide (expectant) parents with all the necessary information and support during this major life change. These offerings notably include childcare services and flexible working hours.
In this way, the MPI-IE supports its employees during pregnancy and also advises them on various offerings from both the institute and the MPG. In addition to the offer of a six-month contract extension for female scientists during pregnancy and childbirth, there is also an offer of additional childcare subsidies during business trips and professional development opportunities.
Furthermore, the institute offers numerous care options for the next generation. In addition to the daycare center “Little Scientists”, which is in the immediate vicinity of the institute, a parent-child room and a laboratory for expectant and nursing mothers are among the institute’s important offerings. There is also a framework agreement with the family services company pme to provide child- and eldercare.