Flow Cytometry and DNA Sequenzing Facility
Flow Cytometry

BD Influx Sorter, a globally unique prototype equipped with fiber optics and octagon/trigon arrays.
Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS) is a technology that enables qualitative and quantitative analysis of cell mixtures and sorting by individual cells using a flow cytometer.
The Flow Cytometry Unit, utilizing high quality flow cytometry instrumentation, provides comprehensive and technically sophisticated cell analysis and sorting services as well as flow cytometry training and education for new users.
Flow cytometry is a method that allows measurements of various characteristics of individual cells by using fluorescent probes. Our laboratory has the capability to run many advanced flow cytometry applications.
Sequencing Facility
The DNA Sequencing Core Facility provides access to automated DNA sequencing. The sequencing service processes samples on a 96-capillary ABI 3730 XL DNA Analyzer. We had a total of 50.000 sequences last year.