Department-independent Research Groups

Research groups at the MPI-IE are either department-associated or department-independent. Department-independent groups can be established in different ways.

The Max Planck Society provides financial resources for so-called Max Planck Research Groups (MPRG). These "free-floating" positions are centrally advertised by the Max Planck Society. The establishment of new research groups can also be enabled by central resources of the institute.

Department-associated and department-independent research groups are considered equivalent and have comparable budget. They pursue – within the framework of the MPI-IE – their research fully independently. Currently, six department-independent research group are established at the MPI-IE headed by

Jumana AlHaj Abed | Nina Cabezas-Wallscheid | Ayele Argaw-Denboba |
Valentin Flury | Juliane Glaser | Rudolf Grosschedl | Valérie Hilgers

Jumana AlHaj Abed
The lab aims to understand how maternal and paternal chromosomes communicate in Drosophila and mammals using genomic approaches and super-resolution imaging. more
Ayele Argaw-Denboba
The lab aims to decipher the regulatory role of gut microbiota in gametogenesis, embryogenesis, epigenetic inheritance mechanisms, and identify microbiome-sourced metabolites that regulate chromatin functions. more
Nina Cabezas-Wallscheid
The lab investigates the mechanisms that maintain HSC quiescence. By using a wide range of interdisciplinary approaches the lab tries to understand which signaling pathways and extracellular biochemical stimuli keep HSC dormancy. more
Valentin Flury
The lab dissects the regulatory mechanisms maintaining chromatin states across the cell cycle. more
Juliane Glaser
The lab is interested in the epigenetic mechanisms that govern mammalian embryonic development. Main focus is on transposable elements and how they contribute to developmental phenotypes. more
Emeritus Laboratory Rudolf Grosschedl
The overall goal of the lab is to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the generation of B lymphocytes from hematopoietic stem cells and the regulation of ES cell pluripotency. more
Valérie Hilgers
The lab investigates the molecular mechanisms underlying neuron-specific RNA signatures and aims to understand how RNA processing affects neuronal development and function. more
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