Everyone is eating differently - Nutrition and genes: Thomas Jenuwein
From the show notes
Why can some people eat large amounts of sweets without getting fat, while others not only gain weight or even suffer from? The answer is obvious: genes not only influence our appearance, but also how we use our food.
But: How big is the influence of the genes? Is it possible to optimise individual nutrition to promote health and prevent disease? How does nutrition determine which genes are actually used, i.e. which genes are activated or deactivated. This imprinting process begins even before birth and in the first months of life: the mother's eating habits play a role in determining whether or not a child will later tend to be overweight.
Is this trend reversible? Can genes also be "switched on and off" by nutrition in adulthood? The still very young field of research, nutrigenomics, is looking for the connections between genetic predisposition and nutrition.
Part of this episode is an interview with Max Planck director Thomas Jenuwein. Interview partner is Stephanie Pütz. Only available in German.
This episode is part of the podcast series Funkkolleg 2019/2020 “Nutrition: Delight. Health. Business” by hr