How does our immune system work?

November 05, 2021

MDR Wissen | Big questions in ten minutes — How does our immune system work? It is our life insurance, our firewall, our protective shield — our immune system. A system that is prepared for almost anything that might hit us. It is a true masterpiece of nature. Thomas Boehm, immunologist of the Max Planck Society in Freiburg, explains the most important questions about the immune system together with MDR WISSEN journalist Karsten Möbius in the podcast “Big Questions in Ten Minutes”.

How does our immune system work?
Podcast “Big questions in ten minutes” by MDR WISSEN (14 Min, German) more

Listen to the audio file: Wie funktioniert unser Immunsystem? (also in the ARD Mediathek)

From the shownotes:

Our immune system deals with pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, or even fungi. But what exactly is our immune system, and how does it work? Together with Thomas Boehm and other scientists, Karsten Möbius from MDR WISSEN, a German broadcast station, goes on an exciting journey to the different aspects of the immune system. Learn how it works and protects us against diseases, how it evolved in evolution, and how it became so powerful. In easy language, the podcast helps you understand the immune system a little better – in just “ten” minutes.


In addition to the podcast with Thomas Boehm, the MDR WISSEN editorial team has published a five-part dossier dealing with central immunological questions: firstly, do we already come into the world with an immune system? Second: Why do we have an immune system? Third: How does the immune system work? Fourth: Why is fever so crucial to the immune system? And, fifth: Immunology and Epigenetics: Can we inherit immune responses?

Read the article: Unser Immunsystem Teil 1 bis 5 | MDR Wissen (only in German)

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