Publications of Thomas Boehm

Journal Article (116)

Journal Article
Boehm, T.: Evolution of Vertebrate Immunity. Current Biology 22, pp. R722 - R732 (2012)
Journal Article
Boehm, T.: Self-renewal of thymocytes in the absence of competitive precursor replenishment. Journal of Experimental Medicine 209, pp. 1397 - 1400 (2012)
Journal Article
Boehm, T.; Iwanami, N.; Hess, I.: Evolution of the Immune System in the Lower Vertebrates. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 13, pp. 127 - 149 (2012)
Journal Article
Boehm, T.; Hess, I.; Swann, J. B.: Evolution of lymphoid tissues. Trends in Immunology 33, pp. 315 - 321 (2012)
Journal Article
Boehm, T.; McCurley, N.; Sutoh, Y.; Schorpp, M.; Kasahara, M.; Cooper, M. D.: VLR-Based Adaptive Immunity. Annual Review of Immunology 30, pp. 203 - 220 (2012)
Journal Article
Calderon, L.; Boehm, T.: Synergistic, Context-Dependent, and Hierarchical Functions of Epithelial Components in Thymic Microenvironments. Cell 149, pp. 159 - 172 (2012)
Journal Article
Rode, I.; Boehm, T.: Regenerative capacity of adult cortical thymic epithelial cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, pp. 3463 - 3468 (2012)
Journal Article
Hess, I.; Boehm, T.: Intravital Imaging of Thymopoiesis Reveals Dynamic Lympho-Epithelial Interactions. Immunity 36, pp. 298 - 309 (2012)
Journal Article
Iwanami, N.; Mateos, F.; Hess, I.; Riffel, N.; Soza-Ried, C.; Schorpp, M.; Boehm, T.: Genetic Evidence for an Evolutionarily Conserved Role of IL-7 Signaling in T Cell Development of Zebrafish. Journal of Immunology 186, pp. 7060 - 7066 (2011)
Journal Article
Calderon, L.; Boehm, T.: Three chemokine receptors cooperatively regulate homing of hematopoietic progenitors to the embryonic mouse thymus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108, pp. 7517 - 7522 (2011)
Journal Article
Boehm, T.: Design principles of adaptive immune systems. Nature Reviews Immunology 11, pp. 307 - 317 (2011)
Journal Article
Bajoghli, B.; Guo, P.; Aghaallaei, N.; Hirano, M.; Strohmeier, C.; McCurley, N.; Bockman, D. E.; Schorpp, M.; Cooper, M. D.; Boehm, T.: A thymus candidate in lampreys. Nature 470, pp. 90 - 94 (2011)
Journal Article
Aghaallaei, N.; Bajoghli, B.; Schwarz, H.; Schorpp, M.; Boehm, T.: Characterization of mononuclear phagocytic cells in medaka fish transgenic for a cxcr3a:gfp reporter. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107, pp. 18079 - 18084 (2010)
Journal Article
Soza-Ried, C.; Hess, I.; Netuschil, N.; Schorpp, M.; Boehm, T.: Essential role of c-myb in definitive hematopoiesis is evolutionarily conserved. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107, pp. 17304 - 17308 (2010)
Journal Article
Corbeaux, T.; Hess, I.; Swann, J. B.; Kanzler, B.; Haas-Assenbaum, A.; Boehm, T.: Thymopoiesis in mice depends on a Foxn1-positive thymic epithelial cell lineage. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 107, pp. 16613 - 16618 (2010)
Journal Article
Milinski, M.; Griffiths, S. W.; Reusch, T. B. H.; Boehm, T.: Costly major histocompatibility complex signals produced only by reproductively active males, but not females, must be validated by a "maleness signal" in three-spined sticklebacks. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277, pp. 391 - 398 (2010)
Journal Article
Swann, J. B.; Boehm, T.: Everything in its Place. Immunity 31, pp. 856 - 858 (2009)
Journal Article
Leinders-Zufall, T.; Ishii, T.; Mombaerts, P.; Zufall, F.; Boehm, T.: Structural requirements for the activation of vomeronasal sensory neurons by MHC peptides. Nature Neuroscience 12, pp. 1551 - 1558 (2009)
Journal Article
Boehm, T.: One problem, two solutions. Nature Immunology 10, pp. 811 - 813 (2009)
Journal Article
Bajoghli, B.; Aghaallaei, N.; Hess, I.; Rode, I.; Netuschil, N.; Tay, B.-H.; Venkatesh, B.; Yu, J.-K.; Kaltenbach, S. L.; Holland, N. D. et al.; Diekhoff, D.; Happe, C.; Schorpp, M.; Boehm, T.: Evolution of Genetic Networks Underlying the Emergence of Thymopoiesis in Vertebrates. Cell 138, pp. 186 - 197 (2009)
Journal Article
Boehm, T.: The adaptive phenotype of cortical thymic epithelial cells. European Journal of Immunology 39, pp. 944 - 947 (2009)
Journal Article
Aghaallaei, N.; Takagi, A.; Boehm, T.; Bajoghli, B.: Genetic Evidence for Monozygotic Twinning in Medaka Fish. Molecular Reproduction and Development 76, p. 430 (2009)
Journal Article
Pannicke, U.; Hönig, M.; Hess, I.; Friesen, C.; Holzmann, K.; Rump, E.-M.; Barth, T. F.; Rojewski, M. T.; Schulz, A.; Boehm, T. et al.; Friedrich, W.; Schwarz, K.: Reticular dysgenesis (aleukocytosis) is caused by mutations in the gene encoding mitochondrial adenylate kinase 2. Nature Genetics 41, pp. 101 - 105 (2009)
Journal Article
Soza-Ried, C.; Bleul, C. C.; Schorpp, M.; Boehm, T.: Maintenance of Thymic Epithelial Phenotype Requires Extrinsic Signals in Mouse and Zebrafish. Journal of Immunology 181, pp. 5272 - 5277 (2008)
Journal Article
Martins, V.; Boehm, T.; Bleul, C.: Ltβr Signaling Does Not Regulate Aire-Dependent Transcripts in Medullary Thymic Epithelial Cells. Journal of Immunology 181, pp. 400 - 407 (2008)
Journal Article
Boehm, T.: Thymus development and function. Current Opinion in Immunology 20, pp. 178 - 184 (2008)
Journal Article
Boehm, T.: Two in one: dual function of an invertebrate antigen receptor. Nature Immunology 8, pp. 1031 - 1033 (2007)
Journal Article
Swann, J.; Boehm, T.: Back to the beginning - the quest for thymic epithelial stem cells. European Journal of Immunology 37, pp. 2364 - 2366 (2007)
Journal Article
Boehm, T.; Bleul, C. C.: The evolutionary history of lymphoid organs. Nature Immunology 8 (2), pp. 131 - 135 (2007)
Journal Article
Boehm, T.; Bleul, C. C.: Thymus-homing precursors and the thymic microenvironment. Trends in Immunology 27, pp. 477 - 484 (2006)
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