Publications of Edward J. Pearce

Journal Article (85)

Journal Article
O'Sullivan, D.; van der Windt, G. J.W.; Huang, S. C.-C.; Curtis , J.; Chang, C.-H.; Buck, M. D.; Qiu, J.; Smith, A. M.; Lam, W. Y.; DiPlato, L. M. et al.; Hsu, F.-F.; Birnbaum, M. J.; Pearce, E. J.; Pearce, E. L.: Memory CD8+ T cells use cell-intrinsic lipolysis to support the metabolic programming necessary for development. Immunity 41, pp. 75 - 88 (2014)
Journal Article
Everts, B.; Amiel, E.; Huang, S. C.-C.; Smith, A. M.; Chang, C.-H.; Lam, W. Y.; Redmann, V.; Freitas, T. C.; Blagih, J.; van der Windt, G. J. W. et al.; Artyomov, M. N.; Jones, R. G.; Pearce, E. L.; Pearce, E. J.: TLR-driven early glycolytic reprogramming via the kinases TBK1-IKKɛ supports the anabolic demands of dendritic cell activation. Nature Immunology 15, pp. 323 - 332 (2014)
Journal Article
Everts, B.; Pearce, E. J.: Metabolic Control of Dendritic Cell Activation and Function: Recent Advances and Clinical Implications. Frontiers in immunology 5, p. 203 (2014)
Journal Article
Gautier, E. L.; Ivanov, S.; Williams, J. W.; Huang, S. C.-C.; Marcelin, G.; Fairfax, K.; Wang, P. L.; Francis, J. S.; Leone, P.; Wilson, D. B. et al.; Artyomov, M. N.; Pearce, E. J.; Randolph, G. J.: Gata6 regulates aspartoacylase expression in resident peritoneal macrophages and controls their survival. Journal of Experimental Medicine 211, pp. 1525 - 1531 (2014)
Journal Article
Nascimento, M.; Huang, S. C.; Smith, A.; Everts, B.; Lam, W.; Bassity, E.; Gautier, E. L.; Randolph, G. J.; Pearce, E. J.: Ly6Chi Monocyte Recruitment is Responsible for Th2 Associated Host-Protective Maxrophage Accumulation in Liver Inflammation due to Schistosomiasis. PLoS Pathogens 10, p. e1004282 (2014)
Journal Article
Reese, T.A.; Wakeman, B.S.; Choi, H.S.; Hufford, M.M.; Huang, S.C.; Zhang, X.; Buck, M.D.; Jezewski, A.; Kambal, A.; Liu, C.Y. et al.; Goel, G.; Murray, P.J.; Xavier, R.J.; Kaplan, M.H.; Renne, R.; Speck, S.H.; Artyomov, M.N.; Pearce, E. J.; Virgin, H.W.: Helminth Infection Reactivates Latent γ-herpesvirus Via Cytokine Competition at a Viral Promoter. Science 345, pp. 573 - 577 (2014)
Journal Article
van der Windt, G. J. W.; O’Sullivan, D.; Everts, B.; Huang, S. C.-C.; Buck, M. D.; Curtis, J. D.; Chang, C.-H.; Smith, A. M.; Ai, T.; Faubert, B. et al.; Jones, R. G.; Pearce, E. J.; Pearce, E. L.: CD8 memory T cells have a bioenergetic advantage that underlies their rapid recall ability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 153, pp. 1239 - 1259 (2013)
Journal Article
Chang, C.-H.; Curtis, J. D.; Maggi Jr., L. B.; Faubert, B.; Villarino, A. V.; O’Sullivan, D.; Huang, S. C.-C.; van der Windt, G. J.W.; Blagih, J.; Qiu, J. et al.; Weber, J. D.; Pearce, E. J.; Jones, R. G.; Pearce, E. L.: Posttranscriptional control of T cell effector function by aerobic glycolysis. Cell 153, pp. 1239 - 1251 (2013)
Journal Article
Pearce, E. L.; Pearce, E. J.: Metabolic pathways in immune cell activation and quiscence. Immunity 38, pp. 633 - 643 (2013)
Journal Article
McCarthy, S. A.; Mufson, R. A.; Pearce, E. J.; Rathmell, J. C.; Howcroft, T. K.: Metabolic reprogramming of the immune response in the tumor microenvironment. Cancer Biology & Therapy 14, pp. 315 - 318 (2013)
Journal Article
Taylor, C. M.; Wang, Q.; Rosa, B. A.; Huang, S. C.-C.; Powell, K.; Schedl, T.; Pearce, E. J.; Abubucker, S.; Mitreva, M.: Discovery of Anthelminitic Drug Targets and Drugs Using Chokepoints in Nematode Metabolic Pathways. PLoS Pathogens 9, p. e1003505 (2013)
Journal Article
Amiel, E.; Everts, B.; Freitas, T. C.; King, I. L.; Curtis, J. D.; Pearce, E. L.; Pearce, E. J.: Inhibition of mechanistic target of repamycin promotes dendritic cell activation and enhances therapeutic autologous vaccination in mice. The Journal of Immunology 189, pp. 2151 - 2158 (2012)
Journal Article
Everts, B.; Amiel, E.; van der Windt, G. J. W.; Freitas, T. C.; Chott, R.; Yarasheski, K. E.; Pearce, E. L.; Pearce, E. J.: Commitment to glycolysis sustains survival of NO-producing inflammatory dendritic cells. Blood 120, pp. 1422 - 1431 (2012)
Journal Article
van der Windt, G. J.W.; Everts, B.; Chang, C.-H.; Curtis, J. D.; Freitas, T. C.; Amiel, E.; Pearce, E. J.; Pearce, E. L.: Mitochondrial respiratory capacity is a critical regulator of CD8+ T cell memory development. Immunity 36, pp. 68 - 78 (2012)
Journal Article
Everts, B.; Hussaarts, L.; Driessen, N. N.; Meevissen, M. H.J.; Schramm, G.; van der Ham, A. J.; van der Hoeven, B.; Scholzen, T.; Burgdorf, S.; Mohrs, M. et al.; Pearce, E. J.; Hokke, C. H.; Haas, H.; Smits, H. H.; Yazdanbakhsh, M.: Schistosome-derived omega-1 drives Th2 polarizationm by suppressing protein synthesis following internalization by the mannose receptor. Journal of Experimental Medicine 209, pp. 1753 - 1767 (2012)
Journal Article
Fairfax, K. C.; Amiel, E.; King, I. L.; Freitas, T. C.; Mohrs, M.; Pearce, E. J.: IL-10R Blackade during Chronic Schistosomiasis Mansoni Results in the Loss of B cells from the Liver and Development of Severe Pulmonary Diseases. PLoS Pathogens 8, p. e1002490 (2012)
Journal Article
Huang, S. C.-C.; Freitas, T. C.; Amiel, E.; Everts, B.; Pearce, E. L.; Lok, J. B.; Pearce, E. J.: Fatty acid oxidation is essential for egg production by the parasitic flatworm Schistosoma mansoni. PLoS Pathogens 8, p. e1002996 (2012)
Journal Article
Perona-Wright, G.; Kohlmeier, J. E.; Bassity, E.; Freitas, T. C.; Mohrs, K.; Cookenham, T.; Situ, H.; Pearce, E. J.; Woodland, D. L.; Mohrs, M.: Persistent loss of IL-27 responsiveness in CD8+ memory T cells abrogates IL-10 expression in recall response. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109, pp. 18535 - 18540 (2012)
Journal Article
Shao, H.; Li, X.; Nolan, T. J.; Massey, H. C. J.; Pearce, E. J.; Lok, J. B.: Transposon-mediated Chromsomal Integration of Transgenes in the Parasitic Nematode STrongyloids ratti and Establsihment of Stable Transgenic Lines. PLoS Pathogens 8, p. e1002871 (2012)
Journal Article
Li, X.; Shao, H.; Junio, A.; Nolan, T. J.; Massey, H. C. J.; Pearce, E. J.; Viney, M. E.; Lok, J. B.: Transgenesis in the parasitic nematode Strongyloides ratti. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology 179, pp. 114 - 119 (2011)
Journal Article
Krawczyk, C. M.; Holowka, T.; Sun, J.; Blagih, J.; Amiel, E.; DeBerardinis, R. J.; Cross, J. R.; Jung, E.; Thompson, C. B.; Jones, R. G. et al.; Pearce, E. J.: Toll-like receptor-induced changes in glycolytic metabolism regulate dendritic cell activation. PLoS Pathogens 6, p. e1000840 (2010)
Journal Article
Thomas, R. M.; Chen, C.; Chunder, N.; Ma, L.; Taylor, J.; Pearce, E. J.; Wells, A. D.: Ikaros Silences T-bet Expression and Interferon-γ Production during T Helper 2 Differentiation. Journal of Biological Chemistry 285, pp. 2545 - 2553 (2010)
Journal Article
Tran, M. H.; Freitas, T. C.; Cooper, L.; Gaze, S.; Gatton, M. L.; Jones, M. K.; Lovas, E.; Pearce, E. J.; Loukas, A.: Suppression of mRNAs Encoding Tegument Tetraspanins from Schistosoma mansoni Results in Impaired Tegument Turnover. PLoS Pathogens 6, p. e1000840 (2010)
Journal Article
Hesse, M.; Modolell, M.; La Flamme, A. C.; Schito, M.; Fuentes, J. M.; Cheever, A. W.; Pearce, E. J.; Wynn, T. A.: Differential regulation of NO Synthase-2 and Arginase-1 by Type1/Type2 cytokines controls pathology in murine schistosomiasis. FASEB Journal 16 (5), p. A1225 - A1225 (2002)
Journal Article
Hesse, M.; Modolell, M.; La Flamme, A.; Schito, M.; Fuentes, J.; Cheever, A. W.; Pearce, E. J.; Wynn, T. A.: Differential Regulation of Nitric Oxide Synthase-2 and Arginase-1 by type 1/Type 2 Cytokines in Vivo: Granulomatous Pathology is Shaped by the Pattern of L-Arginine Metabolism. Journal of Immunology 167 (11), pp. 6533 - 6544 (2001)
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