Publications of Erika L. Pearce

Journal Article (89)

Journal Article
Klein-Geltink, R.; Edwards-Hicks, J.; Apostolova, P.; O'Sullivan, D.; Sanin, P. D. E.; Annette, E. P.; Puleston, D.; Ligthart, N. A. M.; Büscher, J. M.; Grzes, K. et al.: Metabolic conditioning of CD8+ effector T cells for adoptive cell therapy. Nature Metabolism 2, pp. 703 - 716 (2020)
Journal Article
Haring, E.; Uhl, F. M.; Andrieux, G.; Proietti, M.; Bulashevska, A.; Sauer, B.; Braun, L. M.; de Gomez, E. V.; Esser, P. R.; Martin, S. F. et al.: Bile acids regulate intestinal antigen presentation and reduce graft-versus-host disease without impairing the graft-versus-leukemia effect. Haematologica 106 (8), pp. 2131 - 2146 (2020)
Journal Article
Milam, A. A. V.; Bartleson, J. M.; Buck, M. D.; Chang, C.-H.; Sergushichev, A.; Donermeyer, D. L.; Lam, W. Y.; Pearce, E. L.; Artyomov, M. N.; Allen, P. M.: Tonic TCR Signaling Inversely Regulates the Basal Metabolism of CD4+ T Cells. ImmunoHorizons / The American Association of Immunologists (AAI) 4, pp. 485 - 497 (2020)
Journal Article
Almeida, R. R.; de Vieira, R. S.; Castoldi, A.; Terra, F. F.; Melo, A. C. L.; Canesso, M. C. C.; Lemos, L.; Cipelli, M.; Rana, N.; Hiyane, M. I. et al.: Host dysbiosis negatively impacts IL-9-producing T-cell differentiation and antitumour immunity. British Journal of Cancer 123, pp. 534 - 541 (2020)
Journal Article
Puleston, D.; Pearce, E. L.: Appetite for Arginine: Metabolic Control of Macrophage Hunger. Cell Metabolism 31, pp. 441 - 442 (2020)
Journal Article
Angiari, S.; Runtsch, M. C.; Sutton, C. E.; Palsson-McDermott, E. M.; Kelly, B.; Rana, N.; Kane, H.; Papadopoulou, G.; Pearce, E. L.; Mills, K. H.G. et al.: Pharmacological Activation of Pyruvate Kinase M2 Inhibits CD4+-T Cell Pathogenicity and Suppresses Autoimmunity. Cell Metabolism 31, pp. 391 - 405 (2020)
Journal Article
Field, C.; Baixauli Celda, F.; Puleston, D.; Kyle, R.; Alana, C.; Sanin, P. D. E.; Hippen, K. L.; Loschi, M.; Thangavelu, G.; Corrado, M. et al.: Mitochondrial Integrity Regulated by Lipid Metabolism Is a Cell-Intrinsic Checkpoint for Treg Suppressive Function. Cell Metabolism 31, pp. 422 - 437 (2020)
Journal Article
Castoldi, A.; Monteiro, L. B.; van Bakker, N. T.; Sanin, D. E.; Rana, N.; Corrado, M.; Cameron, A. M.; Hässler, F.; Matsushita, M.; Caputa, G. et al.: Triacylglycerol synthesis enhances macrophage inflammatory function. Nature Communications 11, pp. 1 - 11 (2020)
Journal Article
Ramamoorthy, S.; Kometani, K.; Herman, J. S.; Bayer, M.; Boller, S.; Edwards-Hicks, J.; Ramachandran, H.; Li, R.; Klein-Geltink, R.; Pearce, E. L. et al.: EBF1 and Pax5 safeguard leukemic transformation by limiting IL-7 signaling, Myc expression, and folate metabolism. Genes and Development 34, pp. 1503 - 1519 (2020)
Journal Article
Puleston, D. J.; Buck, M. D.; Geltink, R. I. K.; Kyle, R. L.; Caputa, G.; O’Sullivan, D.; Cameron, A. M.; Castoldi, A.; Musa, Y.; Kabat, A. M. et al.: Polyamines and eIF5A Hypusination Modulate Mitochondrial Respiration and Macrophage Activation. Cell Metabolism 30, pp. 352 - 363 (2019)
Journal Article
Qiu, J.; Villa, M.; Sanin, P. D. E.; Buck, M. D.; O’Sullivan, D.; Ching, R. W.; Matsushita, M.; Grzes, K.; Winkler, F.; Chang, C.-H. et al.: Acetate Promotes T Cell Effector Function during Glucose Restriction. Cell Reports 27, pp. 2063 - 2074 (2019)
Journal Article
O'Sullivan, D.; Sanin, P. D. E.; Pearce, E. J.; Pearce, E. L.: Metabolic interventions in the immune response to cancer. Nature Reviews Immunology 19, pp. 324 - 334 (2019)
Journal Article
Cameron, A. M.; Castoldi, A.; Sanin, D. E.; Flachsmann, L. J.; Field, C. S.; Puleston, D. J.; Kyle, R. L.; Patterson, A.; Hassler, F.; Buescher, J. M. et al.: Inflammatory macrophage dependence on NAD+ salvage is a consequence of reactive oxygen species-mediated DNA damage. Nature Immunology 20, pp. 420 - 432 (2019)
Journal Article
Baixauli Celda, F.; Villa, M.; Pearce, E. L.: Potassium shapes antitumor immunity. Science 363, pp. 1395 - 1396 (2019)
Journal Article
Sanin, D. E.; Matsushita, M.; Klein-Geltink, R.; Grzes, K.; van Bakker, N. T.; Corrado, M.; Kabat, A.; Buck, M. D.; Qiu, J.; Lawless, S. J. et al.: Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Regulates Nuclear Gene Expression Macrophages Exposed to Prostaglandin. Immunity 49, pp. 1021 - 1033 (2018)
Journal Article
Mathew, N. R.; Baumgartner, F.; Braun, L.; O'Sullivan, D.; Thomas, S.; Waterhouse, M.; Müller, T. A.; Hanke, K.; Taromi, S.; Apostolova, P. et al.: Sorafenib promotes graft-versus-leukemia activity in mice and humans through IL-15 production in FLT-3-ITD-mutant leukemia cells. Nature Medicine 24, pp. 282 - 291 (2018)
Journal Article
Prestipino, A.; Emhardt, A. J.; Aumann, K.; O'Sullivan, D.; Gorantla, S. P.; Duquesne, S.; Melchinger, W.; Braun, L.; Vuckovic, S.; Boerries, M. et al.: Oncogenic JAK2V617F causes PD-L1 expression, mediating immune escape in myeloproliferative neoplasms. Science translational medicine: integrating medicine and science / American Association for the Advancement of Science 10, p. eaam7729 (2018)
Journal Article
Klein-Geltink, R.; Kyle, R. L.; Pearce, E. L.: Unraveling the Complex Interplay Between T Cell Metabolism and Function. Annual Review of Immunology 36, pp. 461 - 488 (2018)
Journal Article
Pearce, E. J.; Pearce, E. L.: Immunometabolism in 2017: Driving immunity: all roads lead to metabolism. Nature Reviews Immunology 18, pp. 81 - 82 (2018)
Journal Article
Piragyte, I.; Clapes, T.; Polyzou, A.; Geltink, R. I. K.; Lefkopoulos, S.; Yin, N.; Cauchy, P.; Curtis, J. D.; Klaeylé, L.; Langa, X. et al.: A metabolic interplay coordinatd by HLX regulates myeloid differentiation and AML through partly overlapping pathways. Nature Communications 9, p. 3090 (2018)
Journal Article
Rambold, A.; Pearce, E. L.: Mitochondrial Dynamics at the Interface of Immune Cell Metabolism and Function. Trends in Immunology 39, pp. 6 - 18 (2018)
Journal Article
Villa, M.; Jing, Q.; Pearce, E. L.: A Sweet Deal for Diabetes. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism 29, pp. 1 - 2 (2018)
Journal Article
Gubin, M. M.; Zhang, X.; Schuster, H.; Caron, E.; Ward, J. P.; Noguchi, T.; Ivanova, Y.; Hundal, J.; Arthur, C. D.; Krebber, W.-J. et al.: Checkpoint blockade cancer immunotherapy targets tumour-specific mutant antigens. Nature 515, pp. 577 - 581 (2017)
Journal Article
Geltink, R. I. K.; O’Sullivan, D.; Corrado, M.; Bremser, A.; Buck, M. D.; Buescher, J. M.; Firat, E.; Zhu, X.; Niedermann, G.; Caputa, G. et al.: Mitochondrial Priming by CD28. Cell 171, pp. 385 - 397 (2017)
Journal Article
Puleston, D.; Mateo, V.; Pearce, E. L.: Ancillary Activity: Beyond Core Metabolism in Immune Cells. Cell Metabolism 26, pp. 131 - 141 (2017)
Journal Article
Buck, M.; Sowell, R. T.; Kaech, S. M.; Pearce, E. L.: Metabolic Instruction of Immunity. Cell 169, pp. 570 - 586 (2017)
Journal Article
Klein-Geltink, R.; O'Sullivan, D.; Pearce, E. L.: Caught in the cROssfire: GSH Controls T Cell Metabolic Reprogramming. Immunity 46, pp. 525 - 527 (2017)
Journal Article
Huang, S. C.-C.; Smith, A. M.; Everts, B.; Colonna, M.; Pearce, E. L.; Schilling, J. D.; Pearce, E. J.: Metabolic Reprogramming Mediated by the mTORC2-IRF4 Signaling Axis is Essential for Macrophage Alternative Activation. Immunity 45, pp. 817 - 830 (2016)
Journal Article
O'Sullivan, D.; Kelly, B.; Pearce, E. L.: When Hexokinase Gets that NAG-ing Feeling. Cell Metabolism 24, pp. 198 - 200 (2016)
Journal Article
Lam, W. Y.; Becker, A. M.; Kennerly, K. M.; Wong, R.; Curtis, J. D.; Llufrio, E. M.; McCommis, K. S.; Fahrmann, J.; Pizzato, H. A.; Nunley, R. M. et al.: Mitochondrial Pyruvate Import Promotes Long-Term Survival of Antibody-Secreting Plasma Cells. Immunity 45, pp. 60 - 73 (2016)