Publications of Gerhard Mittler

Journal Article (44)

Journal Article
Hein, K.; Mittler, G.; Cizelsky, W.; Kühl, M.; Ferrante , F.; Liefke, R.; Berger, I. M.; Just, S.; Sträng, J. E.; Kestler, H. A. et al.; Oswald, F.; Borggrefe, T.: Site-specific methylation of Notch1 controls the amplitude and duration of the Notch1 response. ScienceSignaling 8, pp. 1 - 12 (2015)
Journal Article
Albert, T. K.; Rigault, C.; Eickhoff, J.; Baumgart, K.; Antrecht, C.; Klebl, B.; Mittler, G.; Meisterernst, M.: Characterization of molecular and cellular functions of the cyclin-dependent kinase CDK9 using a novel specific inhibitor. British Journal of Pharmacology 171, pp. 55 - 68 (2014)
Journal Article
Biterge, B.; Richter, F.; Mittler, G.; Schneider, R.: Methylation of histone H4 at aspartate 24 by Protein L-isoaspartate O-methyltransferase (PCMT1) links histone modification with protein homeostasis. Scientific Reports 4, p. 6674 - 6674 (2014)
Journal Article
Di Cerbo, V.; Mohn, F.; Ryan, D. P.; Montellier, E.; Kacem, S.; Tropberger, P.; Kallis, E.; Holzner, M.; Hoerner, L.; Feldmann, A. et al.; Richter, F. M.; Bannister, A. J.; Mittler, G.; Michaelis, J.; Khochbin, S.; Feil, R.; Schuebeler, D.; Owen-Hughes, T.; Daujat, S.; Schneider, R.: Acetylation of histone H3 at lysine 64 regulates nucleosome dynamics and facilitates transcription. eLife 3, pp. 1 - 23 (2014)
Journal Article
Tat Trung, N.; Engelke, R.; Mittler, G.: SILAC-Based Quantitative Proteomics Approach to Identify Transcription Factors Interacting with a Novel Cis-Regulatory Element. Proteomics & Bioinformatics 7, pp. 082 - 087 (2014)
Journal Article
Klug, H.; Xaver, M.; Chaugule, V. K.; Koidl, S.; Mittler, G.; Klein, F.; Pichler, A.: Ubc9 Sumoylation Controls SUMO Chain Formation and Meiotic Synapsis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Molecular Cell 50, pp. 625 - 636 (2013)
Journal Article
Sané, S.; Jolivalt, C.; Mittler, G.; Nielsen, P. J.; Rubenwolf, S.; Zengerle, R.; Kerzenmacher, S.: Overcoming Bottlenecks of Enzymatic Biofuel Cell Cathodes: Crude Fungal Culture Supernatant Can Help to Extend Lifetime and Reduce Cost. ChemSusChem 6, pp. 1209 - 1215 (2013)
Journal Article
Pinheiro, I.; Margueron, R.; Shukeir, N.; Eisold, M.; Fritzsch, C.; Richter, F. M.; Mittler, G.; Genoud, C.; Goyama, S.; Kurokawa, M. et al.; Son, J.; Reinberg, D.; Lachner, M.; Jenuwein, T.: Prdm3 and Prdm16 are H3K9me1 Methyltransferases Required for Mammalian Heterochromatin Integrity. Cell 150, pp. 948 - 960 (2012)
Journal Article
Waldmann, T.; Izzo, A.; Kamieniarz, K.; Richter, F.; Vogler, C.; Sarg, B.; Lindner, H.; Young, N. L.; Mittler, G.; Garcia, B. A. et al.; Schneider, R.: Methylation of H2AR29 is a novel repressive PRMT6 target. Epigenetics & Chromatin 4, pp. 1 - 10 (2011)
Journal Article
Flach, H.; Rosenbaum, M.; Duchniewicz, M.; Kim, S.; Zhang, S. L.; Cahalan, M. D.; Mittler, G.; Grosschedl, R.: Mzb1 Protein Regulates Calcium Homeostasis, Antibody Secretion, and Integrin Activation in Innate-like B Cells. Immunity 33, pp. 723 - 735 (2010)
Journal Article
Liefke, R.; Oswald, F.; Alvarado, C.; Ferres-Marco, D.; Mittler, G.; Rodriguez, P.; Dominguez, M.; Borggrefe, T.: Histone demethylase KDM5A is an integral part of the core Notch-RBP-J repressor complex. Genes & Development 24, pp. 590 - 601 (2010)
Journal Article
Mittler, G.; Butter, F.; Mann, M.: A SILAC-based DNA protein interaction screen that identifies candidate binding proteins to functional DNA elements. Genome Research 19, pp. 284 - 293 (2009)
Journal Article
Rosenstierne, M. W.; Vinther, J.; Mittler, G.; Larsen, L.; Mann, M.; Norrild, B.: Conserved CPEs in the p53 3' Untranslated Region Influence mRNA Stability and Protein Synthesis. Anticancer Research 28, pp. 2553 - 2559 (2008)
Journal Article
Wossning, T.; Herzog, S.; Köhler, F.; Meixlsperger, S.; Kulathu, Y.; Mittler, G.; Abe, A.; Fuchs, U.; Borkhardt, A.; Hassan, J.: Deregulated Syk inhibits differentiation and induces growth factor-independent proliferation of pre-B cells. Journal of Experimental Medicine 203, pp. 2829 - 2840 (2006)
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