Welcome at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics

The Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics in Freiburg is an interdisciplinary research institution that conducts basic research in two key areas of modern biology.
Immunobiology is concerned with the ways multicellular organisms defend themselves against pathogens. Epigenetics is the study of inheritable traits that are not caused by changes in the underlying DNA sequence.
Our current labs.
World-class expertise.
Institute overview
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International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2025
Interview series
Artistic representation of the principle of method LiTEC by the Youssef Youssef
New light-based method reveals the nature of biomolecular condensates through in vivo targeting and manipulation 
Valérie Hilgers (portrait on the left) receives a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC, logo on the right)excellent research across Europe
Valérie Hilgers receives an ERC Consolidator Grant
Davor Solter named 2024 Citation Laureate
Davor Solter, MPI-IE Director Emeritus, has been named a Citation Laureate in Clarivate’s annual list of “Researchers of Nobel Class”
The protein Mrc1 is essential for the accurate transfer of chemical marks on histones during cell division
How mast cells trap and use living neutrophils during allergic reactions
FEBS and EMBL recognize Asifa Akhtar for outstanding achievements in life sciences
On the way to the perfect diet for a healthy ageing of stem cells

Seminars & Events

Symposium: TriRhena in Gene Regulation Club
5 February 2025 at the IGMBC in Strasbourg (France)
Girls’ Day

Girls’ Day

April 03, 2025
April 3: The pipettes are calibrated, the fruit flies are taken out of cold storage to be ready in time for Girls’ Day at the MPI in Freiburg

Upcoming Seminars

MPS: Ana Marija Jakšić - Emergence of complex and individual behaviour from the multiscale architecture of the brain

Mar 27, 2025 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM (Local Time Germany)
MPI-IE, Room: Lecture Hall

Zukunftstag 2025

Apr 3, 2025 09:30 AM - 03:10 PM (Local Time Germany)
Max-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie und Epigenetik, Room: Labor


Excellent PhD training
We train the next generation of research scientists. Learn more about our PhD program – the International Max Planck Research School for Immunobiology, Epigenetics, and Metabolism (IMPRS-IEM)
Welcome Service
We welcome all new arrivals, assist in the onboarding procedure, help you to find a new place and get acquainted with your new colleagues. Learn more about our services.

Job offers


Watch: Can we hack our genes?

Watch: Can we hack our genes?

November 05, 2023
Epigenetics studies how certain parts of our genome can be switched on or off. Can epigenetics help us to become more musical, fitter, smarter, more beautiful? – Epigenetics TV documentary with Thomas Jenuwein on ARTE
Swarms & swarming immune cells
Podcast special by detektor.fm on swarms and swarm intelligence, including an interview with Max Planck scientist Tim Lämmermann on immune cell swarms and pathogen hunting in a collective.
How the immune system learns to defend itself
Thomas Boehm talks to detektor.fm editor Dominik Lenze about vaccinations. The Max Planck Director explains how an immune reaction actually takes place during vaccination.
Start-stop system of hunting immune cells
Max Planck researchers reveal how immune cells coordinate their swarming behavior to eliminate pathogens effectively together
Discussing X Chromosome Dosage Compensation
Asifa Akhtar talks about how the male-specific lethal (MSL) complex, and the histone acetyltransferase MOF in particular, contributes to the regulation of the dosage compensation process.
Virtual MPI-IE Escape Room
Do you enjoy puzzles and tricky quizzes? Would you like to get to know the research and the institute? Then our virtual Escape Room is the right challenge for you!
The Department of Biological Physics

The Department of Biological Physics

Video February 06, 2024
The Cissé Department employs physical techniques to visualize biological interactions at the single-molecule level within living cells, uncovering phenomena like protein clustering & biophysical mechanisms in vivo.
Is it possible to inherit trauma – with Nicola Iovino
Can a trauma suffered by our ancestors affect our own lives? A ZDF documentary explores this question and meets with Max Planck researcher Nicola Iovino...
Sexual parasitism & immune system of deep-sea fish - Thomas Boehm
BBC Earth interview with Thomas Boehm on the anglerfish (AmazeMe, facebook)
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