Bioinformatik Freiburg MPI-IE


Bioinformatics Facility


  • Galaxy Server: for analysis of NGS data, data access and sharing
  • Workbench: web interface for interactive software environments and reproducible data analysis: R-Studio, Jupyterlab, Shiny
  • NGS primary analysis: quality control and mapping of NGS data
  • Data hosting: we operate a state-of-the-art high performance storage unit that hosts all internal NGS data in a central place and can be accessed through our linux servers and Galaxy
  • High performance computing: we also operate a range of different servers that run webservices like Galaxy and R-Studio, provide centralised home directories and logins, serve as data capture for the sequencing machines or are simply compute servers to run analysis on. Two of these compute servers (minimus, maximus) are also available to any institute member. They run on linux (CentOS) and knowledge of the command line is required to operate them. All widely used bioinformatics tools are already installed (e.g. samtools, bedtools, bowtie, macs, deepTools).

Contact to get a login and details on the access.

