Family service
The search for and selection of suitable childcare services is very time consuming. Without relevant experience, and in the face of innumerable possibilities, it is often difficult to select the most suitable option for oneself and one's own family, especially at short notice.
That is why the MPG cooperates with the family services company “pmeFamilienservice”. The company is the point of contact for all questions relating to work/life balance, and it maintains a portal for the procurement of caregivers: from finding a daycare provider to emergency advice about preschools, from childcare in case of illness to the organization of holiday camps, as well as guidance in relation to older relatives in need of care.
On the basis of a counseling interview, pme Family Services not only helps find a way around the multitude of offers, but also develops support solutions tailored to personal and family situations:
Arrangement of childcare (for children up to the age of 14):
- Childcare at home (babysitter)
- Au pair/Granny to go
- In some cases, arrangement of places at nursery or daycare facilities
- Placement in holiday care centres operated by third party providers cooperating with pme
- conference care service
- Arrangement of back-up emergency care
Homecare eldercare
- Consultation in the event of illness and need for long-term care for close relatives
- Individual consultations on alternative care solutions
- Comprehensive advice on how to finance care
- Procurement of care personnel and domestic staff, out-patient services and places in homes
- Under certain circumstances, emergency care at short notice in private households (individual care costs must be borne by the relatives)
- Help in coping with illness, disability and care dependence
Online portal (link)
- Self-search functions via databases for babysitters and childcare facilities
- Area search and detailed search for childcare facilities as well as a very comprehensive nationwide babysitter self-service search function.
- Tutorials on questions like, for example, provision for old-age or administrative procedures related to the birth of a child
- with a usage guide for the commissioning of family services by the employee and a guide on what to look out for when concluding a contract, e.g. on childcare
- Trial Saturdays in back-up facilities
- Free of charge care offers during Advent season at the service locations
The employees of the MPI-IE can use this service for free. The Max Planck Society bears the expenses incurred for advice and mediation. All costs for actual care depend of course on the type and extent of that care, and are paid directly to the caregiver by the family.
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