Lab for pregant and nursing women
The MPI-IE is a biological-medical, basic research institute, and laboratory experimentation accounts for a large proportion of daily work for many female employees. Pregnant and nursing employees may be exposed to health hazards at a regular laboratory workstation, because some chemical-biological agents can endanger the life and health of mother and child. Therefore, maternity protection rules are particularly important to them.
In order to ensure that the research projects of pregnant or nursing employees can be continued for as long as possible, and to make the re-entry into the laboratory routine as easy as possible, the MPI-IE has set up a laboratory for expectant and nursing mothers. In close cooperation with the Institute’s Team for Occupational Safety and Health, and with the guidance of the current Hazardous Substances Ordinance, special laboratory workplaces have been created which do not endanger the life and health of mother and child through normal professional activity.
The MPI-IE thus enables its employees to participate smoothly in the everyday life of the institute for as long as possible. In addition, this offering gives expectant or nursing mothers more flexibility in scheduling maternity or parental leave.