Publications of Robert Nechanitzky

Journal Article (5)

Journal Article
Nechanitzky, R.; Akbas, D.; Scherer, S.; Györy, I.; Hoyler, T.; Ramamoorthy, S.; Diefenbach, A.; Grosschedl, R.: Transcription factor EBF1 is essential for the maintenance of B cell identity and prevention of alternative fates in committed cells. Nature Immunology 14, pp. 867 - 875 (2013)
Journal Article
Nechanitzky, R.; Dávila, A.; Savarese, F.; Fietze, S.; Grosschedl, R.: Satb1 and Satb2 Are Dispensable for X Chromosome Inactivation in Mice. Developmental Cell 23, pp. 866 - 871 (2012)
Journal Article
Györy, I.; Boller, S.; Nechanitzky, R.; Mandel, E.; Pott, S.; Liu, E.; Grosschedl, R.: Transcription factor Ebf1 regulates differentiation stage-specific signaling, proliferation, and survival of B cells. Genes and Development 26, pp. 668 - 682 (2012)
Journal Article
Savarese, F.; Dávila, A.; Nechanitzky, R.; De la Rosa-Velazquez, I. A.; Pereira, C. F.; Engelke, R.; Takahashi, K.; Jenuwein, T.; Kohwi-Shigematsue, T.; Fisher, A. et al.: Satb1 and Satb2 regulate embryonic stem cell differentiation and Nanog expression. Genes and Development 23, pp. 2625 - 2638 (2009)
Journal Article
Houston Jr., E. G.; Nechanitzky, R.; Fink, P. J.: Cutting Edge: Contact with Secondary Lymphoid Organs Drives Postthymic T Cell Maturation. Journal of Immunology 181, pp. 5213 - 5217 (2008)

Thesis - PhD (1)

Thesis - PhD
Nechanitzky, R.: Functions of EBF1 in B cell lineage committment and differentiation. Dissertation, Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg (2014)

Thesis - Diploma (1)

Thesis - Diploma
Nechanitzky, R.: Die Rolle von EBF (Early B cell factor) in der Entwicklung von Lymphozyten und lymphoiden Organen. Diploma, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg (2008)