Seminars & Events

SGS: Mounia Lagha - Lighting up the central dogma to dissect how sharp developmental patterns are established

Max Planck Special Guest Lecture Series
The Lagha lab uses quantitative imaging to uncover the mechanisms regulating gene expression in space and time during development. Mounia will give talk entitled: “Lighting up the central dogma to dissect how sharp developmental patterns are established”. [more]

MPS: Natalia Rodriguez-Muela – Brain organoids to unveil mechanisms of selective neural vulnerability in neurodegenerative diseases

Max Planck Seminar
Dr. Natalia Rodriguez-Muela leads a research on “Selective Neuronal Vulnerability in Neurodegenerative Diseases” at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZND) in Dresden, Germany. We are looking forward to an inspiring talk on “Brain organoids to unveil mechanisms of selective neural vulnerability in neurodegenerative diseases” in the Lecture hall at the MPI. [more]

Forschung höchstpersönlich mit Valérie Hilgers: RNA-Prozesse im Nervensystem. Für ein besseres Verständnis von neurologischen Erkrankungen

Forschung höchstpersönlich
Bei Forschung höchstpersönlich präsentieren Wissenschaftler:innen des MPI-IE ihre Forschung Gästen und nicht-wissenschaftlichen Kolleginnen und Kollegen des Instituts. Die Vorträge betten die Forschung in einen größeren Rahmen ein und geben teilweise recht persönliche Einblicke zu wissenschaftlichen Themen, Fragen und dem Alltag am Institut. Die Vorträge werden auf deutsch gehalten. Sie richten sich explizit auch an ein nicht-wissenschaftliches Publikum. [more]

MPS: Ana Marija Jakšić - Emergence of complex and individual behaviour from the multiscale architecture of the brain

Max Planck Seminar
Dr. Ana Marija Jakšić is a researcher in evolutionary neurobiology and »EPFL Life Sciences Early Independent Research« (ELISIR) scholar who merges experimental evolutionary biology and neuroscience in her lab at EPFL School of Life Science, Brain Mind Institute in Switzerland. [more]

Zukunftstag 2025

Girls' Day
Werde für einen Tag zur Forscherin! Wir geben Mädchen einen Einblick in den Arbeitsalltag eines Forschunginstitut. Am 03.04.2025 stehen die Türen des MPI-IE für Mädchen offen, um in die spannende Welt der Biophysik, Bioinformatik und Molekularbiologie einzutauchen. [more]

MPS: Stefanie Grosswendt - Cell communication uncovered in single-cell resolved neighborhoods

Max Planck Seminar
Dr. Stefanie Grosswendt, group leader at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association (MDC) and head of a BIH junior research group in the joint research focus “Single Cell Approaches for Personalized Medicine” of the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), the MDC and Charité, Berlin, joins our lecture series to present a talk on “Cell communication uncovered in single-cell resolved neighborhoods”. [more]

SGS: Rohit V. Pappu - tba.

Max Planck Special Guest Lecture Series
Rohit V. Pappu is the Director of the Center for Biomolecular Condensates (CBC), Washington University in St. Louis. He joins the Max Planck Freiburg Special Guest Lecture Series. [more]

TriRhena Gene Regulation Club in Freiburg

The tri-national "Gene Regulation Club" is a half-day symposium that brings together chromatin, epigenetics, and transcription groups from within the Strasbourg (IGBMC), Freiburg (MPI-IE), and Basel (FMI) area. With an informal but high-quality atmosphere, the meeting aims to foster discussion and inspire new and strengthen existing collaborations. The meeting encourages PhD students and Postdocs to present their work. [more]
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