Rambold Lab
Note: We are currently recruiting and looking for Master Students and HiWis. Please get in touch with us.
Group Leader Angelika Rambold

Angelika Rambold studied Biology at the Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich, Germany. She performed her doctoral studies at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Martinsried and the Ludwig-Maximilians University, Germany, and received her doctoral degree from the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München in 2008. Her doctoral thesis centered around the mechanisms on prion-induced neurodegeneration.
Angelika performed her postdoctoral training at the National Institute of Child Health and Development, USA. Funded by fellowships from the DFG and the NIH, she addressed the interplay between cell metabolism and organelle dynamics in the Laboratory of Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz.
Since November 2015, Angelika Rambold is heading the Research Group “Organelle Networks in Immunology” at the MPI of Immunobiology and Epigenetics in Freiburg (MPI-IE), Germany. In 2015 Angelika was also awarded with a junior-group leader grant from the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF). The dual support allowed Angelika to establish her lab at the interface between basic research at the MPI-IE and clinical studies at the Center for Chronic Immunodeficiency at the Medical University in Freiburg.
In January 2025, Angelika Rambold startet her research group on “Metabolic Organelle Networks in Immunology” at the Institute of Medical Biochemistry (ZMBE), University of Münster.
Qualifications and history
- Undergraduate Studies in Biology at the Ludwig Maximilians University Munich, Germany
- 2004-2008 PhD studies at Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry and the Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich, Germany
- 2009-2014 Postdoctoral fellow at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Organelle Biology, Bethesda, USA
- 2014-2015 Project leader at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Freiburg, Germany
- 2015-2018 Group leader at the Center for Chronic Immunodeficiency (CCI) of the Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Germany
- Since 2015 Group leader at the Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Freiburg, Germany
Alumnae & Alumni
Name | Position | Current affiliation |
Anne Bremser | Postdoc | Technology Specialist, Roche, Basel, Switzerland |
Theresa Börsig | Technical Assistant |
Scientist, Novartis Immunological Research,
Novartis, Basel, Switzerland |
Paulina Staus | Master student |
PhD student at the Center of Chronic Immunodeficiency,
Medical University, Freiburg |