Journal Article (1592)

Journal Article
Laue, K.; Daujat, S.; Crump, J. G.; Plaster, N.; Roehl, H.; van Bebber, F.; Busch-Nentwich, E.; Dahm, R.; Frohnhöfer, H. G.; Geiger, H. et al.; Gilmour, D.; Holley, S.; Hooge, J.: The multidomain protein Brpf1 binds histones and is required for Hox gene expression and segmental identity.
Journal Article
Warnatz, H.-J.; Querfurth, R.; Guerasimova, A.; Cheng, X.; Haas, S. A.; Hufton, A. L.; Manke, T.; Vanhecke, D.; Nietfeld, W.; Vingron, M. et al.; Janitz, M.; Lehrach, H.; Yaspo, M.-L.: Functional analysis and identification of cis-regulatory elements of human chromosome 21 gene promoters.

Book (6)

Deswal, S.; Schamel, W. W. A.: CD3ζ. Springer Science+Business Media, Heidelberg, Germany (2012), 8 pp.
Deswal, S.; Schamel, W. W. A.: CD3. Springer Science+Business Media, Heidelberg, Germany (2012), 7 pp.
Weltzien, H. U.; Gamerdinger, K.; Thierse, H.-J.: Handbook of Dendritic Cells. Biology, Diseases and Therapie. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim (2006), 12 pp.
Eichmann, K.: Köhler's Invention. Springer-Birkhäuser, Basel, Switzerland (2005), 223 pp.
Weltzien, H.-U.; Dötze, A.; Gamerdinger, K.; Hellwig, S.; Thierse, H.-J.: Molecular Recognition of Haptens by T Cells: More Than One Way to Tickle the Receptor. Landes Bioscience, Georgetown, USA (2004), 14 pp.
Solter, D.; Beyleveld, D.; Friele, M. B.; Holówka, J.; Lilie, H.; Lovell-Badge, R.; Mandla, C.; Martin, U.; Pardo Avellaneda, R.: Embryo Research in Pluralistic Europe. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg (2003), 429 pp.

Book Chapter (15)

Book Chapter
Sagar, S.; Grün, D.: Lineage Inference and Stem Cell Identity prediction Using Single-Cell RNA-Sequencing Data. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, pp. 227 - 301. Humana Press, Clifton, N.J. (2019)
Book Chapter
Zhang, Y. W.; Cabezas-Wallscheid, N.: Assessment of young and aged hematopoietic stem cell activity by competitive serial transplantation assays. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 2017, pp. 193 - 203. Springer (2019)
Book Chapter
Yoveva, A.; Sawarkar, R.: Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) of Heat Shock Protein 90 (Hsp90). In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 1709, pp. 221 - 231. Springer Science + Business Media (2017)
Book Chapter
Eisenhardt, N.; Chaugule, V.; Pichler, A.: A Fluorescent In Vitro Assay to Investigate Paralog-Specific SUMO Conjugation. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 1475, pp. 67 - 78. Springer + Business, New York (2016)
Book Chapter
Löser, E.; Latrielle, D.; Iovino, N.: Chromatin Preparation and Chromatin Immuno-precipitation from Drosophila Embryos. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 1480, pp. 23 - 36 (2016)
Book Chapter
Teperino, R.; Pospisilik, J. A.: Determination and analysis of Cellular Metabolic Changes by Noncanonical Hedgehog Signaling. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 1322, pp. 187 - 198. Springer Science + Business Media, New York (2015)
Book Chapter
Vaquerizas, J. M.; Akhtar, A.; Luscombe, N. M.: Large-scale nuclear architecture and transcriptional control. In: Subcellular Biochemistry, Vol. 12, pp. 669 - 674. Springer (2011)
Book Chapter
Maderböck, K.; Pichler, A.: SUMO CONTROL. In: Conjugation and Deconjugation of Ubiquitin Family Modifiers, pp. 158 - 169 (Eds. Groettrup, M.; Landes Bioscience). Landes Bioscience, USA (2010)
Book Chapter
Grün, D.; Rajewsky, N.: Computional prediction of microRNA targets in vertebrates, fruitflies and nematodes. In: MicroRNAs: From Basic Science to Disease Biology, pp. 172 - 186. Cambridge University Press (2008)
Book Chapter
Timm, A.; Grosschedl, R.: Wnt Signaling in Lymphopoiesis. In: Molecular Analysis of B Lymphocyte Development and Activation, pp. 225 - 252 (Eds. Singh, H.; Grosschedl, R.; Springer Science). Spring- Verlag, Berlin, Germany (2005)
Book Chapter
Melchoir, F.; Pichler, A.: SUMO Modification. In: Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 4, pp. 130 - 144 (2004)
Book Chapter
Reth, M.; Huber, M.: Structure and Function of B-Cell Antigen Receptor Complexes. In: Handbook of Cell Signaling, Vol. 1, 0-12-124547-0, pp. 327 - 330 (Eds. Bradshaw, R. A.; Dennis, E. A.; Elsevier Science). Academic Press, Amsterdam (2003)
Book Chapter
Solter, D.: Dolly! In: A century of nature: twenty-one discoveries that changed science, 0-226-28415-8, pp. 335 - 340 (Eds. Garwin, L.; Lincoln, T.; The University of Chicago Press). The University of Chicago Press, Chicago (2003)
Book Chapter
Niedermann, G.: Immunological Functions of the Proteasome. In: PROTEASOME-UBIQUITIN PROTEIN DEGRADATION PATHWAY, pp. 91 - 136 (Ed. Max-Planck-Institut für Immunbiologie). SPRINGER-VERLAG BERLIN, BERLIN (2002)
Book Chapter
Baur, N.; Eichmann, K.: CD3-dependent regulation of early TCRβ gene expression in mainstream α β and NKαβ T cell development. In: PROGRESS IN BASIC AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, pp. 5 - 13. KLUWER ACADEMIC / PLENUM PUBL, NEW YORK (2001)

Conference Paper (1)

Conference Paper
Keuper, M.; Schmidt, T.; Rodriguez-Franco, M.; Schamel, W.; Brox, T.; Burkhardt, H.; Ronneberger, O.: HIERARCHIVAL MARKOV RANDOM FIELDS FOR MAST CELL SEGMENTATION IN ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC RECORDINGS. International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano To Macro, 2011. International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging 973, pp. 973 - 978 (2011)

Meeting Abstract (1)

Meeting Abstract
Quintana-Cabrera, R.; Manjarrés-Raza, I.; Vicente-Gutiérrez, C.; Corrado, M.; Bolaños, J. P.; Scorrano, L.: Mitochondrial cristae shape regulates ROS production under restrictive glycolysis. In Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 165, p. 18 - 18. SFRR-INTERNATIONAL 2021 VIRTUAL MEETING, virtuell, March 15, 2021 - March 18, 2021. Pergamon, New York (2021)

Thesis (8)

Beck, E.: Analysis of specific hydrophobic interactions between lipids and proteins. Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany (2010)
Weber, K.: In vitro reconstitution of the conventional μpre-BCR by fusing FCγ receptors to γHC. Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany (2010)
Herzog, S.: Comparative genetic immunization of BALB/C and SLP-65-/- mice and BAFF binding to B cell subsets. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg im Breisgau (2003)
Schnappauf, F.: Analyse des Proteinabbaus des MHC Klasse II Transaktivators CIITA. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg im Breisgau (2003)
Stemmler, M.: Die Expression von E-Cadherin in der Embryonalentwicklung der Maus: Analyse von cis-aktiven regulatorischen Elementen. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg im Breisgau (2003)
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