
Zeitschriftenartikel (1573)

Lee, C.; Quintana, A.; Suppanz, I.; Gomez-Auli, A.; Mittler, G.; Cissé, I. I.: Light-induced targeting enables proteomics on endogenous condensates. Cell 187, S. 7079 - 7090 (2024)
Boneva, S. K.; Wolf, J.; Jung, M.; Prinz, G.; Chui, T. Y. P.; Jauch, J.; Drougard, A.; Pospisilik, J. A.; Schlecht, A.; Bucher, F. et al.; Rosen, R. B.; Agostini, H.; Schlunck, G.; Lange, C. A. K.: The multifaceted role of vitreous hyalocytes: Orchestrating inflammation, angiomodulation and erythrophagocytosis in proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Journal of Neuroinflammation 21, 297 (2024)
Ciabrelli, F.; Atinbayeva, N.; Pane, A.; Iovino, N.: Epigenetic inheritance and gene expression regulation in early Drosophila embryos. EMBO Reports 25, S. 4131 - 4152 (2024)
Wogram, E.; Sümpelmann, F.; Dong, W.; Rawat, E.; Maestre, I. F.; Fu, D.; Braswell, B.; Khalil, A.; Büscher, J. M.; Mittler, G. et al.; Borner, G. H. H.; Vlachos, A.; Tholen, S.; Schilling, O.; Bell, G. W.; Rambold, A.; Akhtar, A.; Schnell, O.; Beck, J.; Abu-Reh, M.; Prinz, M.; Jaenisch, R.: Rapid phagosome isolation enables unbiased multiomic analysis of human microglial phagosomes. Immunity 57, S. 2216 - 2231 (2024)
Chen, H.-R.; Sun, Y.; Mittler, G.; Rumpf, T.; Shvedunova, M.; Grosschedl, R.; Akhtar, A.: MOF-mediated PRDX1 acetylation regulates inflammatory macrophage activation. Cell Reports 43, 114682 (2024)
Mihlan, M.; Wissmann, S.; Gavrilov, A.; Kaltenbach, L.; Britz, M.; Franke, K.; Hummel, B.; Imle, A.; Suzuki, R.; Stecher, M. et al.; Glaser, K. M.; Lorentz, A.; Carmeliet, P.; Yokomizo, T.; Hilgendorf, I.; Sawarkar, R.; Diz-Muñoz, A.; Büscher, J. M.; Mittler, G.; Maurer, M.; Krause, K.; Babina, M.; Erpenbeck, L.; Frank, M.; Rambold, A.; Lämmermann, T.: Neutrophil trapping and nexocytosis, mast cell-mediated processes for inflammatory signal relay. Cell 187, S. 5316 - 5335 (2024)
Charlton, S. J.; Flury, V.; Kanoh, Y.; Genzor, A. V.; Kollenstart, L.; Ao, W.; Brøgger, P.; Weisser, M. B.; Adamus, M.; Alcaraz, N. et al.; de Fenffe, C. M. D.; Mattiroli, F.; Montoya, G.; Masai, H.; Groth, A.; Thon, G.: The fork protection complex promotes parental histone recycling and epigenetic memory. Cell 187, S. 5029 - 5047 (2024)
Ozbulut, H. C.; Hilgers, V.: Neuronal RNA processing: cross-talk between transcriptional regulation and RNA-binding proteins. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience 17 (2024)
Phongbunchoo, Y.; Braikia, F.-Z.; Pessoa-Rodrigues, C.; Ramamoorthy, S.; Ramachandran, H.; Grosschedl, A.; Ma, F.; Cauchy, P.; Akhtar, A.; Sen, R. et al.; Mittler, G.; Grosschedl, R.: YY1-mediated enhancer-promoter communication in the immunoglobulin μ locus is regulated by MSL/MOF recruitment. Cell Reports 43, 114456 (2024)
Grammer, C.; Komorowska, J. A.; Swann, J.: Vhl safeguards thymic epithelial cell identity and thymopoietic capacity by constraining Hif1a activity during development. iScience 27, 110258 (2024)
Zimmermann, J. A.; Lucht, K.; Stecher, M.; Badhan, C.; Glaser, K. M.; Epple, M. W.; Koch, L. R.; Deboutte, W.; Manke, T.; Ebnet, K. et al.; Brinkmann, F.; Fehler, O.; Vogl, T.; Schuster, E.-M.; Bremser, A.; Büscher, J. M.; Rambold, A.: Functional multi-organelle units control inflammatory lipid metabolism of macrophages. Nature Cell Biology 26, S. 1261 - 1273 (2024)
Kulkarni, T.; Akhtar, A.: Nuclei facing the tissue surface get fuel for development. Nature 630, S. 312 - 314 (2024)
Atinbayeva, N.; Valent, I.; Zenk, F.; Loeser, E.; Rauer, M.; Herur, S.; Quarato, P.; Pyrowolakis, G.; Gomez-Auli, A.; Mittler, G. et al.; Cecere, G.; Erhardt, S.; Tiana, G.; Zhan, Y.; Iovino, N.: Inheritance of H3K9 methylation regulates genome architecture in Drosophila early embryos. The EMBO Journal (2024)
Pantier, R.; Brown, M.; Han, S.; Paton, K.; Meek, S.; Montavon, T.; Shukeir, N.; McHugh, T.; Kelly, D. A.; Hochepied, T. et al.; Libert, C.; Jenuwein, T.; Burdon, T.; Bird, A.: MeCP2 binds to methylated DNA independently of phase separation and heterochromatin organisation. Nature Communications 15, 3880 (2024)
Argaw-Denboba, A.; Schmidt, T. S. B.; Giacomo, M. D.; Ranjan, B.; Devendran, S.; Mastrorilli, E.; Lloyd, C. T.; Pugliese, D.; Paribeni, V.; Dabin, J. et al.; Pisaniello, A.; Espinola, S.; Crevenna, A.; Ghosh, S.; Humphreys, N.; Boruc, O.; Sarkies, P.; Zimmermann, M.; Bork, P.; Hackett, J. A.: Paternal microbiome perturbations impact offspring fitness. Nature 629, S. 625 - 659 (2024)
Cosgrove, J.; Marçais, A.; Hartmann, F. J.; Bergthaler, A.; Zanoni, I.; Corrado, M.; Perié, L.; Cabezas-Wallscheid, N.; Bousso, P.; Alexandrov, T. et al.; Kielian, T.; Martínez-Martín, N.; Opitz, C. A.; Lyssiotis, C. A.; Argüello, R. J.; den Bossche, J. V.: A call for accessible tools to unlock single-cell immunometabolism research. Nature Metabolism (2024)
Zhou, Y.; Panhale, A.; Shvedunova, M.; Balan, M.; Gomez-Auli, A.; Holz, H.; Seyfferth, J.; Helmstädter, M.; Kayser, S.; Zhao, Y. et al.; Erdogdu, N. U.; Grzadzielewska, I.; Mittler, G.; Manke, T.; Akhtar, A.: RNA damage compartmentalization by DHX9 stress granules. Cell 187, S. 1701 - 1718 (2024)
Alfonso-Gonzalez, C.; Hilgers, V.: (Alternative) transcription start sites as regulators of RNA processing. Trends in Cell Biology (2024)
Maler, M. D.; Zwick, S.; Kallfass, C.; Engelhard, P.; Shi, H.; Hellig, L.; Zhengyang, P.; Hardt, A.; Zissel, G.; Ruzsics, Z. et al.; Jahnen-Dechent, W.; Martin, S. F.; Nielsen, P. J.; Stolz, D.; Lopatecka, J.; Bastyans, S.; Beutler, B.; Schamel, W. W.; Fejer, G.; Freudenberg, M.: Type I Interferon, Induced by Adenovirus or Adenoviral Vector Infection, Regulates the Cytokine Response to Lipopolysaccharide in a Macrophage Type-Specific Manner. Journal of Innate Immunity 16, S. 226 - 247 (2024)
Beckmann, C. C. A.; Ramamoorthy, S.; Trompouki, E.; Driever, W.; Schwarz-Furlan, S.; Strahm, B.; Yoshimi, A.; Niemeyer, C. M.; Erlacher, M.; Kapp, F. G.: Assessment of a novel NRAS in-frame tandem duplication causing a myelodysplastic/myeloproliferative neoplasm. Experimental Hematology 133, 104207 (2024)
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