Zeitschriftenartikel (82)

Schwarz-Romond, T.; Asbrand, C.; Bakkers, J.; Kuehl, M.; Schaeffer, H.-J.; Huelsken, J.; Behrens, J.; Hammerschmidt, M.; Birchmeier, W.: The ankyrin repeat protein Diversin recruits Casein kinase Iε to the β-catenin degradation complex and acts in both canonical Wnt and Wnt/JNK signaling. Genes & Development 16 (16), S. 2073 - 2084 (2002)
Klock, A.; Herrmann, B. G.: Cloning and expression of the mouse dual-specificity mitogen- activated protein (MAP) kinase phosphatase Mkp3 during mouse embryogenesis. Mechanisms of Development 116 (1-2), S. 243 - 247 (2002)
Lickert, H.; Kutsch, S.; Kanzler, B.; Tamai, Y.; Taketo, M. M.; Kemler, R.: Formation of Multiple Hearts in Mice following Deletion of β-catenin in the Embryonic Endoderm. Developmental Cell 3 (2), S. 171 - 181 (2002)
Weber, B. H. F.; Lin, B. Y.; White, K.; Kohler, K.; Soboleva, G.; Herterich, S.; Seeliger, M. W.; Jaissle, G. B.; Grimm, C.; Reme, C. et al.; Wenzel, A.; Asan, E.; Schrewe, H.: A Mouse Model for Sorsby Fundus Dystrophy. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 43 (8), S. 2732 - 2740 (2002)
Ketteler, R.; Heinrich, A. C.; Offe, J. K.; Becker, V.; Cohen, J.; Neumann, D.; Klingmüller, U.: A Functional Green Fluorescent Protein-tagged Erythropoietin Receptor Despite Physical Separation of JAK2 Binding Site and Tyrosine Residues. Journal of Biological Chemistry 277 (29), S. 26547 - 26552 (2002)
Pelanda, R.; Braun, U.; Hobeika, E.; Nussenzweig, M. C.; Reth, M.: B Cell Progenitors Are Arrested in Maturation but Have Intact VDJ Recombination in the Absence of Ig-α and Ig-β1. Journal of Immunology 169 (2), S. 865 - 872 (2002)
Boussadia, O.; Kutsch, S.; Hierholzer, A.; Delmas, V.; Kemler, R.: E-cadherin is a survival factor for the lactating mouse mammary gland. Mechanisms of Development 115 (1-2), S. 53 - 62 (2002)
Eisert, V.; Muenster, U.; Simon, M. M.; Moll, H.: The Course of Leishmania Major Infection in Mice Lacking Granzyme-Mediated Mechanisms. Immunobiology 205 (3), S. 314 - 320 (2002)
Lele, Z.; Folchert, A.; Concha, M.; Rauch, G.-J.; Geisler, R.; Rosa, F.; Wilson, S. W.; Hammerschmidt, M.; Bally-Cuif, L.: parachute/n-cadherin is required for morphogenesis and maintained integrity of the zebrafish neural tube. Development 129 (14), S. 3281 - 3294 (2002)
Müllbacher, A.; Lobigs, M.; Hla, R. T.; Tran, T.; Stehle, T.; Simon, M. M.: Antigen-Dependent Release of IFN-γ by Cytotoxic T Cells Up- Regulates Fas on Target Cells and Facilitates Exocytosis- Independent Specific Target Cell Lysis. Journal of Immunology 169 (1), S. 145 - 150 (2002)
Pardo, J.; Balkow, S.; Anel, A.; Simon, M. M.: The differential contribution of granzyme A and granzyme B in cytotoxic T lymphocyte-mediated apoptosis is determined by the quality of target cells. European Journal of Immunology 32 (7), S. 1980 - 1985 (2002)
Wiendl, H.; Malotka, J.; Holzwarth, B.; Weltzien, H.-U.; Wekerle, H.; Hohlfeld, R.; Dornmair, K.: An autoreactive γδ TCR Derived from a Polymyositis Lesion. Journal of Immunology 169 (1), S. 515 - 521 (2002)
Falk, I.; Eichmann, K.: Heterogeneity of the DN4 (CD44¯ CD25¯) subset of CD4¯ CD8¯ double negative thymocytes; dependence on CD3 signaling. Immunology Letters 82 (1-2 Sp. Iss. SI), S. 123 - 130 (2002)
Gülow, K.; Bienert, D.; Haas, I. G.: BiP is feed-back regulated by control of protein translation efficiency. Journal of Cell Science 115 (11), S. 2443 - 2452 (2002)
Huber, M.; Kalesnikoff, J.; Reth, M.; Krystal, G.: The role of SHIP in mast cell degranulation and IgE-induced mast cell survival. Immunology Letters 82 (1-2 Sp. Iss. SI), S. 17 - 21 (2002)
Leitges, M.; Gimborn, K.; Elis, W.; Kalesnikoff, J.; Hughes, M. R.; Krystal, G.; Huber, M.: Protein Kinase C-δ Is a Negative Regulator of Antigen-Induced Mast Cell Degranulation. Molecular and Cellular Biology 22 (12), S. 3970 - 3980 (2002)
Pracht, C.; Gimborn, K.; Reth, M.; Huber, M.: BCR mutants deficient in ligand-independent and more sensitive for ligand-dependent signaling. European Journal of Immunology 32 (6), S. 1614 - 1620 (2002)
Stump, G.; Durrer, A.; Klein, A.-L.; Luetolf, S.; Suter, U.; Taylor, V.: Notch1 and its ligands Delta-like and Jagged are expressed and active in distinct cell populations in the postnatal mouse brain. Mechanisms of Development 114 (1-2), S. 153 - 159 (2002)
Solter, D.: Cloning v. clowning. Genes & Development 16 (10), S. 1163 - 1166 (2002)
Bakkers, J.; Hild, M.; Kramer, C.; Furutani-Seiki, M.; Hammerschmidt, M.: Zebrafish Delta ΔNp63 is a Direct Target of Bmp Signaling and Encodes a Transcriptional Repressor Blocking Neural Specification in the Ventral Ectoderm. Developmental Cell 2 (5), S. 617 - 627 (2002)
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