Zeitschriftenartikel (69)

Roidl, D.; Hellbach, N.; Bovio, P. P.; Villarreal, A.; Heidrich, S.; Nestel, S.; Grüning, B. A.; Boehnisch, U.; Vogel, T.: DOT1L Activity Promotes Proliferation and Protects Cortical Neural Stem Cells from Activation of ATF4-DDIT3-Mediated ER Stress In Vitro. Stem Cells 34, S. 233 - 245 (2016)
Scognamiglio, R.; Cabezas-Wallscheid, N.; Thier, M. C.; Altamura, S.; Reyes, A.; Prendergast, Á. M.; Baumgärtner, D.; Carnevalli, L. S.; Atzberger, A.; Haas, S. et al.; von Paleske, L.; Boroviak, T.; Wörsdörfer, P.; Essers, M. A.G.; Kloz, U.; Eisenman, R. N.; Edenhofer, F.; Bertone, P.; Trumpp, A.: Myc depletion induces a pluripotent dormant State mimicking diapause. Cell 164, S. 126 - 127 (2016)
Sergushichev, A. A.; Loboda, A. A.; Jha, A. K.; Vincent, E. E.; Driggers, E. M.; Jones, R. G.; Pearce, E. J.; Artyomov, M. N.: GAM: a web-service for integrated transcriptional and metabolic network analysis. Nucleic Acids Research 125, S. 4699 - 4713 (2016)
Sergushichev, A. A.; Loboda, A. A.; Jha, A. K.; Vincent, E. E.; Driggers, E. M.; Jones, R. G.; Pearce, E. J.; Artyomov, M. N.: GAM: a web-service for integrated transcriptional and metabolic network analysis. Nucleic Acids Research (London), S. W194 - W200 (2016)
Tamowski, S.; Kanzler, B.; Whitelaw, B.; Crispo, M.; Dogko, L.; Jerchow, B.; Parker-Thornburg, J.; Lou , J.: TT2016 meeting report on the 13th Transgenic Technology meeting in Prague, Czech Republic. Transgenic Research, S. 553 - 559 (2016)
Trung, N. T.; Kremer, E.; Mittler, G.: Biochemical and cellular characterization of transcription factors binding to the hyperconserved core promoter-associated M4 motif. BMC Genomics 17, S. 693 (2016)
Wallner, S.; Schröder, C.; Leitão, E.; Berulava, T.; Haak, C.; Beißer, D.; Rahmann, S.; Richter, A. S.; Manke, T.; Bönisch, U. et al.; Arrigoni, L.; Fröhler, S.; Klironomos, F.; Chen, W.; Rajewsky, N.; Müller, F.; Ebert, P.; Lengauer, T.; Barann, M.; Rosenstiel, P.; Gasparoni, G.; Nordström, K.; Walter, J.; Brors, B.; Zipprich, G.; Felder, B.; Klein-Hitpass, L.; Attenberger, C.; Schmitz, G.; Horsthemke, B.: Epigenetic dynamics of monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation. Epigenetics & Chromatin 9, S. 33 (2016)
Wang, Q.; Taliaferro, J. M.; Klibaite, U.; Hilgers, V.; Shaevitz, J. W.; Rio, D. C.: The PSI-U1 snRNP interaction regulates male mating behavior in Drosophila. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 113, S. 5269 - 5274 (2016)
Yang, J.; Reth, M.: Receptor Dissociation and B-Cell Activation. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology 393, S. 27 - 44 (2016)

Buchkapitel (2)

Eisenhardt, N.; Chaugule, V.; Pichler, A.: A Fluorescent In Vitro Assay to Investigate Paralog-Specific SUMO Conjugation. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Bd. 1475, S. 67 - 78. Springer + Business, New York (2016)
Löser, E.; Latrielle, D.; Iovino, N.: Chromatin Preparation and Chromatin Immuno-precipitation from Drosophila Embryos. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Bd. 1480, S. 23 - 36 (2016)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (10)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Antonio Urrutia, G.: SUMO modification of the MAR-binding protein SATB2 in stem cells. Dissertation (2016)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Becker, M.: Cytoskeletal regulation of B cell antigen receptor signaling. Dissertation (2016)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Brings, N.: The focal adhesion kinase is important for IgM B cell antigen receptor organization on the cell surface. Dissertation (2016)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Iype, J.: Cell-based antigen-binding assay, a novel approach to test the reactivity of B cell receptor. Dissertation (2016)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Kapoor, T.: Role of MZB1 in the biosynthesis of secretory proteins in innate and innate-like cells. Dissertation (2016)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Kläsener, K.: Proximity studies of the nanoscale organization of the B cell antigen receptor and of signaling pathways. Dissertation (2016)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Rettich, J.: Characterisation of the DNA endonuclease subunit EME1 as novel substrate of sumoylated Ubc9. Dissertation (2016)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Schade, G. O. M.: Identification and characterization of novel centromeric proteins in Drosophila melanogaster. Dissertation (2016)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Valezques, O.: RNA-dependent mechanisms to stabilize Suv39h enzymes at mammalian chromatin. Dissertation (2016)
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