Labor Thomas Boehm

Publikationen von Inti Alberto De la Rosa-Velazquez

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Camacho, O. V.; Galan, C.; Swist-Rosowska, K.; Ching, R.; Gamalinda, M.; Karabiber, F.; De la Rosa-Velazquez, I. A.; Engist, B.; Koschorz, B.; Shukeir, N. et al.; Onishi-Seebacher, M.; van de Nobelen, S.; Jenuwein, T.: Major satellite repeat RNA stabilize heterochromatin retention of Suv39h enzymes by RNA-nucleosome assocation and RNA:DNA hybrid formation. eLife, S. e25293 (2017)
Bulut-Karslioglu, A.; De la Rosa-Velazquez, I. A.; Ramirez, F.; Barenboim, M.; Onishi-Seebacher, M.; Arand, J.; Galán, C.; Winter, G. E.; Engist, B.; Gerle, B. et al.; O'Sullivan, R. J.; Martens, J. H. A.; Walter, J.; Manke, T.; Lachner, M.; Jenuwein, T.: Suv39h-Dependent H3K9me3 Marks Intact Retrotransposons and Silences LINE Elements in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells. Molecular Cell 55, S. 277 - 290 (2014)
Bulut-Karslioglu, A.; Perrera, V.; Scaranaro, M.; de la Rosa-Velazquez, I. A.; van de Nobelen, S.; Shukeir, N.; Popow, J.; Gerle, B.; Opravil, S.; Pagani, M. et al.; Meidhof, S.; Brabletz, T.; Manke, T.; Lachner, M.; Jenuwein, T.: A transcription factor-based mechanism for mouse heterochromatin formation. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology 19, S. 1023 - 1030 (2012)
Savarese, F.; Dávila, A.; Nechanitzky, R.; De la Rosa-Velazquez, I. A.; Pereira, C. F.; Engelke, R.; Takahashi, K.; Jenuwein, T.; Kohwi-Shigematsue, T.; Fisher, A. et al.; Grosschedl, R.: Satb1 and Satb2 regulate embryonic stem cell differentiation and Nanog expression. Genes and Development 23, S. 2625 - 2638 (2009)
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