Publikationen von Rudolf Grosschedl

Zeitschriftenartikel (76)

Boras-Granic, K.; Chang, H.; Grosschedl, R.; Hamel, P. A.: Lef1 is required for the transition of Wnt signaling from mesenchymal to epithelial cells in the mouse embryonic mammary gland. Developmental Biology 295, S. 219 - 231 (2006)
Boras-Granic, K.; Grosschedl, R.; Hamel, P. A.: Genetic interaction between Lef1 and Alx4 is required for early embryonic development. International Journal of Developmental Biology 50, S. 601 - 610 (2006)
Dobreva, G.; Chahrour, M.; Dautzenberg, M.; Chirivella, L.; Kanzler, B.; Farinas, I.; Karsenty, G.; Grosschedl, R.: SATB2 Is a Multifunctional Determinant of Craniofacial Patterning and Osteoblast Differentiation. Cell 125, S. 971 - 986 (2006)
Olson, L. E.; Tollkuhn, J.; Scafoglio, C.; Krones, A.; Zhang, J.; Ohgi, K. A.; Wu, W.; Taketo, M.; Kemler, R.; Grosschedl, R. et al.; Rose, D.; Li, X.: Homeodomain-Mediated β-Catenin-Dependent Switching Events Dictate Cell-Lineage Determination. Cell 125, S. 593 - 605 (2006)
Roessler, S.; Grosschedl, R.: Role of transcription factors in commitment and differentiation of early B lymphoid cells. Seminars in Immunology 18, S. 12 - 19 (2006)
Savarese, F.; Grosschedl, R.: FOXtrot and RAGtime in B cells. Nature Immunology 7, S. 793 - 794 (2006)
Savarese, F.; Grosschedl, R.: Blurring cis and trans in Gene Regulation. Cell 126, S. 248 - 250 (2006)
Skokowa, J.; Cario, G.; Uenalan, M.; Schambach, A.; Germeshausen, M.; Battmer, K.; Zeidler, C.; Lehmann, U.; Eder, M.; Baum, C. et al.; Grosschedl, R.; Stanulla, M.; Scherr, M.; Welte, K.: LEF-1 is crucial for neutrophil granulocytopoiesis and its expression is severely reduced in congenital neutropenia. Nature Medicine 12, S. 1191 - 1197 (2006)
Kieslinger, M.; Folberth, S.; Dobreva, G.; Dorn, T.; Croci, L.; Erben, R.; Consalez, G. G.; Grosschedl, R.: EBF2 Regulates Osteoblast-Dependent Differentiation of Osteoclasts. Developmental Cell 9, S. 757 - 767 (2005)
Sasaki, T.; Ito, Y.; Xu, X.; Han, J.; Bringas, P.; Maeda, T.; Harold, S. C.; Grosschedl, R.; Chai, Y.: LEF1 is a critical epithelial survival factor during tooth morphogenesis. Developmental Biology 278, S. 130 - 143 (2005)
Galceran, J.; Sustmann, C.; Hsu, S.-C.; Folberth, S.; Grosschedl, R.: LEF1-mediated regulation of Delta-like1 links Wnt and Notch signaling in somitogenesis. Genes and Development 18, S. 2718 - 2723 (2004)
Gregorieff, A.; Grosschedl, R.; Clevers, H.: Hindgut defects and transformation of the gastro‐intestinal tract in Tcf4−/−/Tcf1−/− embryos. EMBO Journal 23, S. 1825 - 1833 (2004)
Kokubu, C.; Heinzmann, U.; Kokubu, T.; Sakai, N.; Kubota, T.; Kawai, M.; Wahl, M. B.; Galceran, J.; Grosschedl, R.; Ozono, K. et al.; Imai, K.: Skeletal defects in ringelschwanz mutant mice reveal that Lrp6 is required for proper somitogenesis and osteogenesis. Development 131, S. 5469 - 5480 (2004)
Medina, K. L.; Pongubala, J. M. R.; Reddy, K. L.; Lancki, D. W.; Dekoter, R.; Kieslinger, M.; Grosschedl, R.; Singh, H.: Assembling a gene regulatory network for specification of the B cell fate. Developmental Cell 7, S. 607 - 617 (2004)
Roth, W.; Sustmann, C.; Kieslinger, M.; Gilmozzi, A.; Irmer, D.; Kremmer, E.; Turck, C.; Grosschedl, R.: PIASy-Deficient Mice Display Modest Deffects in IFN and Wnt Signaling. The Journal of Immunology 173, S. 6189 - 6199 (2004)
Sachdev, S.; Bruhn, L.; Sieber, H.; Pichler, A.; Melchior, F.; Grosschedl, R.: PIASy, a nucler matrix-associated SUMO E3 ligase, represses LEF1 activity by sequestration into nuclear bodies. Genes and Development 15, S. 3088 - 3103 (2001)

Buchkapitel (1)

Timm, A.; Grosschedl, R.: Wnt Signaling in Lymphopoiesis. In: Molecular Analysis of B Lymphocyte Development and Activation, S. 225 - 252 (Hg. Singh, H.; Grosschedl, R.; Springer Science). Spring- Verlag, Berlin, Germany (2005)
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