Publikationen von Thomas Boehm
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Zeitschriftenartikel (116)
177, S. 2463 - 2476 (2006)
Conserved Functions of Ikaros in Vertebrate Lymphocyte Development: Genetic Evidence for Distinct Larval and Adult Phases of T Cell Development and Two Lineages of B Cells in Zebrafish. Journal of Immunology
441, S. 992 - 996 (2006)
Formation of a functional thymus initiated by a postnatal epithelial progenitor cell. Nature
125, S. 845 - 858 (2006)
Quality Control in Self/Nonself Discrimination. Cell
312, S. 284 - 287 (2006)
Evidence for a Functional Second Thymus in Mice. Science
26, S. 1961 - 1970 (2006)
Essential Role of the Main Olfactory System in Social Recognition of Major Histocompatibility Complex Peptide Ligands. The Journal of Neuroscience
29, S. 100 - 107 (2006)
MHC peptides and the sensory evaluation of genotype. Trends in Neurosciences
6, S. 79 - 84 (2006)
Co-evolution of a primordial peptide-presentation system and cellular immunity. Nature Reviews Immunology 2005
175, S. 5213 - 5221 (2005)
BMP Signaling Is Required for Normal Thymus Development. The Journal of Immunology
102, S. 4414 - 4418 (2005)
Mate choice decision of stickleback females predictably modified by MHC peptide ligands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2004
306, S. 1033 - 1037 (2004)
MHC Class I Peptide as Chemosensory Signals in the Vomeronasal Organ. Science
4, S. 141 - 152 (2004)
Major shifts in genomic activity accompany progression through different stages of the hair cycle. Gene Expression Patterns
24, S. 2063 - 2073 (2004)
Null Mutation of the Lmo4 Gene or a Combined Null Mutation of the Lmo1/Lmo3 Genes Causes Perinatal Lethality, and Lmo4 Controls Neural Tube Development in Mice. Molecular and Cellular Biology (Washington, DC)
24, S. 1649 - 1654 (2004)
Capn5 Is Expressed in a Subset of T Cells and Is Dispensable for Development. Molecular and Cellular Biology (Washington, DC) 2003
120 (12), S. 1423 - 1432 (2003)
Morpholino oligonucleotide-triggered knockdown reveals a role for maternal E-cadherin during early mouse development. Mechanisms of Development
163 (5), S. 1735 - 1741 (2003)
Susceptibility to Anthrax Lethal Toxin is Controlled by Three Linked Quantitative Trait Loci. American Journal of Pathology
195, S. 15 - 27 (2003)
Genetic dissection of thymus development in mouse and zebrafish. Immunological Reviews
198 (5), S. 757 - 769 (2003)
Thymic Medullary Epithelial Cell Differentiation Thymocyte Emigrtion, and Control of Autoimmunity Require Lympho-Epithelial Cross Talk via LTβR. Journal of Experimental Medicine
54 (2), S. 119 - 126 (2003)
Female sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus use self-reference to optimize MHC allele number during mate selection. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
197 (7), S. 939 - 945 (2003)
Human Immunoglobulin M Memory B Cells Controlling Streptococcus pneumoniae Infections are Generated in the Spleen. Journal of Experimental Medicine 2002
119 (2), S. 127 - 135 (2002)
Aortic arch and pharyngeal phenotype in the absence of BMP- dependent neural crest in the mouse. Mechanisms of Development
159 (4), S. 563 - 569 (2002)
Missense mutation in the tubulin-specific chaperone E (Tbce) gene in the mouse mutant progressive motor neuronopathy, a model of human motoneuron disease. The Journal of Cell Biology: JCB
118, S. 179 - 185 (2002)
A zebrafish orthologue (whnb) of the mouse nude gene is expressed in the epithelial compartment of the embryonic thymic rudiment. Mechanisms of Development
32 (4), S. 1175 - 1181 (2002)
Thymopoiesis requires Pax9 function in thymic epithelial cells. European Journal of Immunology
195 (6), S. 771 - 780 (2002)
B-1a B cells that Link the Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses Are Lacking in the Absence of the Spleen. Journal of Experimental Medicine 2001
31 (12), S. 3580 - 3587 (2001)
Abnormal bone marrow stroma in mice deficient for nemo-like kinase, Nlk. European Journal of Immunology
109 (2), S. 419 - 422 (2001)
Expression domains in the skin of genes affected by the nude mutation and identified by gene expression profiling. Mechanisms of Development