Publikationen von Sergiy Avilov

Zeitschriftenartikel (10)

Schmied, C.; Nelson, M. S.; Avilov, S.; Bakker, G.-J.; Bertocchi, C.; Bischof, J.; Boehm, U.; Brocher, J.; Carvalho, M. T.; Chiritescu, C. et al.; Christopher, J.; Cimini, B. A.; Conde-Sousa, E.; Ebner, M.; Ecker, R.; Eliceiri, K.; Fernandez-Rodriguez, J.; Gaudreault, N.; Gelman, L.; Grunwald, D.; Gu, T.; Halidi, N.; Hammer, M.; Hartley, M.; Held, M.; Jug, F.; Kapoor, V.; Koksoy, A. A.; Lacoste, J.; Le Dévédec, S.; Le Guyader, S.; Liu, P.; Martins, G. G.; Mathur, A.; Miura, K.; Llopis, P. M.; Nitschke, R.; North, A.; Parslow, A. C.; Payne-Dwyer, A.; Plantard, L.; Ali, R.; Schroth-Diez, B.; Schütz, L.; Scott, R. T.; Seitz, A.; Selchow, O.; Sharma, V. P.; Spitaler, M.; Srinivasan, S.; Strambio-De-Castillia, C.; Taatjes, D.; Tischer, C.; Jambor, H. K.: Community-developed checklists for publishing images and image analyses. Nature Methods 21, S. 170 - 181 (2023)
Avilov, S.: Navigating across multi-dimensional space of tissue clearing parameters. Methods and Applications in Fluorescence 9 (2021)
Sheikh, B. N.; Guhathakurta, S.; Tsang, T. H.; Schwabenland, M.; Renschler, G. V.; Herquel, B.; Bhardwaj, V.; Holz, H.; Stehle, T.; Bondareva, O. et al.; Aizarni, N.; Mossad, O.; Kretz, O.; Reichardt, W.; Chatterjee, A.; Braun, L. J.; Thevenon, J.; Sartelet, H.; Blank, T.; Grün, D.; von Elverfeldt, D.; Huber, T. B.; Vestweber, D.; Avilov, S.; Prinz, M.; Büscher, J. M.; Akhtar, A.: Neural metabolic imbalance induced by MOF dysfunction triggers pericyte activation and breakdown of vasculature. Nature Cell Biology 22, S. 828 - 841 (2020)
Jevtic, V.; Kindle, P.; Avilov, S.: Specific Labeling of Mitochondrial Nucleoids for Time-lapse Structures Illumination Microscopy. Journal of Visualized Experiments 160, S. e60003 (2020)
Avilov, S.; Aleksandrova, N.: Fluorescence protein complementation in microscopy: applications beyone detacting bi-molecular interactions. Methods in Applied Fluorescence 7, S. 012001 (2019)
Jevtic, V.; Kindle, P.; Avilov, S.: SYBR Gold dye enables preferential labelling of mitochondrial nucleoids and their time lapse imaging by structures illumination microscopy. PLoS One 13, S. E0203956 (2018)
Hirakawa, M.; Nagakubo, D.; Kanzler, B.; Avilov, S.; Krauth, B.; Happe, C.; Swann, J. B.; Nusser, A.; Boehm, T.: Fundamental parameters of the developing thymic epithelium in the mouse. Scientific Reports 8, S. 11095 (2018)
Aleksandrova, N.; Gutsche, I.; Kandiah, E.; Avilov, S.; Petoukhov, M. V.; Seiradake, E.; McCarthy, A. A.: Robo1 Forms a Compact Dimer-of-Dimers Assembly. Structure 26, S. 320 - 328 (2018)
Chatterjee, A.; Seyfferth, J.; Lucci, J.; Glisbach, R.; Preissl, S.; Böttinger, L.; Martensson, C. U.; Panhale, A.; Stehle, T.; Kretz, O. et al.; Sahyoun, A. H.; Avilov, S.; Eimer, S.; Hein, L.; Pfanner, N.; Becker, T.; Akhtar, A.: MOF Acetyl Transferase Regulates Transcription and Respiration in Mitochondria. Cell 167, S. 722 - 738 (2016)
Ferrando-May, E.; Hartmann, H.; Reymann, J.; Ansari, N.; Utz, N.; Fried, H. U.; Kukat, C.; Peychl, J.; Liebig, C.; Terjung, S. et al.; Laketa, V.; Sporbert, A.; Weidtkamp-Peters, S.; Schauss, A.; Zuschratter, W.; Avilov, S.; German BioImaging, n.: Advanced light microscopy core facilities: Balancing service, science and career. Microsc Res Tech 79 (6), S. 463 - 479 (2016)

Bericht (1)

Nelson, G.; Boehm, U.; Bagley, S.; Bajcsy, P.; Bischof, J.; Brown, C. M.; Dauphin, A.; Dobbie, I. M.; Eriksson, J. E.; Faklaris, O. et al.; Fernandez-Rodriguez, J.; Ferrand, A.; Gelman, L.; Gheisari, A.; Hartmann, H.; Kukat, C.; Laude, A.; Mitkovski, M.; Munck, S.; North, A. J.; Rasse, T. M.; Resch-Genger, U.; Schuetz, L. C.; Seitz, A.; Strambio-De-Castillia, C.; Swedlow, J. R.; Alexopoulos, I.; Aumayr, K.; Avilov, S.; Bakker, G.-J.; Bammann, R. R.; Bassi, A.; Beckert, H.; Beer, S.; Belyaev, Y.; Bierwagen, J.; Birngruber, K. A.; Bosch, M.; Breitlow, J.; Cameron, L. A.; Chalfoun, J.; Chambers, J. J.; Chen, C.-L.; Conde-Sousa, E.; Corbett, A. D.; Cordelieres, F. P.; Nery, E. D.; Dietzel, R.; Eismann, F.; Fazeli, E.; Felscher, A.; Fried, H.; Gaudreault, N.; Goh, W. I.; Guilbert, T.; Hadleigh, R.; Hemmerich, P.; Holst, G. A.; Itano, M. S.; Jaffe, C. B.; Jambor, H. K.; Jarvis, S. C.; Keppler, A.; Kirchenbuechler, D.; Kirchner, M.; Kobayashi, N.; Krens, G.; Kunis, S.; Lacoste, J.; Marcello, M.; Martins, G. G.; Metcalf, D. J.; Mitchell, C. A.; Moore, J.; Mueller, T.; Nelson, M. S.; Ogg, S.; Onami, S.; Palmer, A. L.; Paul-Gilloteaux, P.; Pimentel, J. A.; Plantard, L.; Podder, S.; Rexhepaj, E.; Royon, A.; Saari, M. A.; Schapman, D.; Schoonderwoert, V.; Schroth-Diez, B.; Schwartz, S.; Shaw, M.; Spitaler, M.; Stoeckl, M. T.; Sudar, D.; Teillon, J.; Terjung, S.; Thuenauer, R.; Wilms, C. D.; Wright, G. D.; Nitschke, R.: QUAREP-LiMi: A community-driven initiative to establish guidelines for quality assessment and reproducibility for instruments and images in light microscopy (Journal of Microscopy, 284). (2021)
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