Publikationen von Edward J. Pearce

Zeitschriftenartikel (85)

O'Sullivan, D.; Sanin, P. D. E.; Pearce, E. J.; Pearce, E. L.: Metabolic interventions in the immune response to cancer. Nature Reviews Immunology 19, S. 324 - 334 (2019)
Cameron, A. M.; Castoldi, A.; Sanin, D. E.; Flachsmann, L. J.; Field, C. S.; Puleston, D. J.; Kyle, R. L.; Patterson, A.; Hassler, F.; Buescher, J. M. et al.; Kelly, B.; Pearce, E. L.; Pearce, E. J.: Inflammatory macrophage dependence on NAD+ salvage is a consequence of reactive oxygen species-mediated DNA damage. Nature Immunology 20, S. 420 - 432 (2019)
Sanin, D. E.; Matsushita, M.; Klein-Geltink, R.; Grzes, K.; van Bakker, N. T.; Corrado, M.; Kabat, A.; Buck, M. D.; Qiu, J.; Lawless, S. J. et al.; Cameron, A.; Villa, M.; Baixauli Celda, F.; Patterson, A. E.; Hässler, F.; Curtis, J. D.; O’Neill, C. M.; O'Sullivan, D.; Wu, D.; Mittler, G.; Huang, S. C.-C.; Pearce, E. L.; Pearce, E. J.: Mitochondrial Membrane Potential Regulates Nuclear Gene Expression Macrophages Exposed to Prostaglandin. Immunity 49, S. 1021 - 1033 (2018)
Cortes-Selva, D.; Elvington, A. F.; Ready, A.; Rajwa, B.; Pearce, E. J.; Randolph, G. J.; Fairfax, K. C.: Schistosoma mansoni Infection-Induced Transcriptional Changes in Hepatic Macrophage Metabolism Correlate With an Athero-Protective Phenotype. Frontiers in immunology 9, S. 2580 (2018)
Matushita, M.; Pearce, E. J.: Disrupting metabolism to treat autoimmunity: Dimethyl fumarate, a treatment ofr multiple sclerosis, inhibits Warburg metabolism. Science 360, S. 377 - 378 (2018)
Pearce, E. J.; Pearce, E. L.: Immunometabolism in 2017: Driving immunity: all roads lead to metabolism. Nature Reviews Immunology 18, S. 81 - 82 (2018)
Geltink, R. I. K.; O’Sullivan, D.; Corrado, M.; Bremser, A.; Buck, M. D.; Buescher, J. M.; Firat, E.; Zhu, X.; Niedermann, G.; Caputa, G. et al.; Kelly, B.; Warthorst, U.; Rensing-Ehl, A.; Kyle, R. L.; Vandersarren, L.; Curtis, J. D.; Patterson, A. E.; Lawless, S.; Grzes, K.; Qiu, J.; Sanin, D. E.; Kretz, O.; Huber, T. B.; Janssens, S.; Lambrecht, B. N.; Rambold, A.; Pearce, E. J.; Pearce, E. L.: Mitochondrial Priming by CD28. Cell 171, S. 385 - 397 (2017)
Grzes, K.; Field, C.; Pearce, E. J.: Treg Cells Survive and Thrive in Inhospitable Environments. Cell Metabolism 25, S. 1213 - 1215 (2017)
Jones, R. G.; Pearce, E. J.: MenTORing Immunity: mTOR Signaling in the Development and Function of Tissue-Resident Immune Cells. Immunity 46, S. 730 - 742 (2017)
Kabat, A.; Pearce, E. J.: Inflammation by way of macrophage metabolism. Science 356, S. 488 - 489 (2017)
Cameron , A. M.; Lawless, S. J.; Pearce, E. J.: Metabolism and acetylation in innnate immune cell function and fate. Seminars in Immunology 28, S. 408 - 416 (2016)
Huang, S. C.-C.; Smith, A. M.; Everts, B.; Colonna, M.; Pearce, E. L.; Schilling, J. D.; Pearce, E. J.: Metabolic Reprogramming Mediated by the mTORC2-IRF4 Signaling Axis is Essential for Macrophage Alternative Activation. Immunity 45, S. 817 - 830 (2016)
Boukhaled, G. M.; Cordeiro, B.; Deblois, G.; Dimitrov, V.; Bailey, S. D.; Holowka, T.; Domi, A.; Guak, H.; Chiu, H.-H. C.; Everts, B. et al.; Pearce, E. J.; Lupien, M.; White, J. H.; Krawczyk, C. M.: The Transcriptional Repressor Polycomb Group Factor 6, PCGF6, Negatively Regulates Dendritic Cell Activation and Promotes Quiescence. Cell 16, S. 1829 - 1837 (2016)
Buck, M. D.; O’Sullivan, D.; Geltink, R. I. K.; Curtis, J. D.; Chang, C.-H.; Sanin, D. E.; Qiu, J.; Kretz, O.; Braas, D.; van der Windt, G. J.W. et al.; Chen, Q.; Huang, S. C.-C.; O’Neill, C. M.; Edelson, B. T.; Pearce, E. J.; Sesaki, H.; Huber, T. B.; Rambold, A.; Pearce, E. L.: Mitochondrial Dynamics Controls T Cell Fate through Metabolic Programming. Cell 166, S. 63 - 76 (2016)
Wu, D.; Sanin, D. E.; Everts, B.; Chen, Q.; Qiu, J.; Buck, M. D.; Patterson, A.; Smith, A. M.; Chang, C.-H.; Liu, Z. et al.; Artyomov, M. N.; Pearce, E. J.; Cella, M.; Pearce, E. J.: Type 1 Interferons Induce Changes in Core Metabolism that Are Critical for Immune Function. Immunity 44, S. 1325 - 1326 (2016)
Kaiko, G. E.; Ryu, S. H.; Koues, O. I.; Collins, P. L.; Solnica-Krezel, L.; Pearce, E. J.; Pearce, E. L.; Oltz, E. M.; Stappenbeck, T. S.: The Colonic Crypt Protects Stem Cells from Microbiota-Derived Metabolites. Cell 167, S. 1708 - 1720 (2016)
O'Neill, L. A.J.; Pearce, E. J.: Immunometabolism governs dendritic cell and macrophage function. Journal of Experimental Medicine 213, S. 15 - 23 (2016)
Everts, B.; Tussiwand, R.; Dreesen, L.; Fairfax, K. C.; Huang, S. C.-C.; Smith, A. M.; O’Neill, C. M.; Lam, W. Y.; Edelson, B. T.; Urban, J. F. J. et al.; Murphy, K. M.; Pearce, E. J.: Migratory CD103+ dendritic cells suppress helminth-driven Type2 immunity through constitutive expression of IL-12. Journal of Experimental Medicine 213, S. 35 - 51 (2016)
Kannan, Y.; Perez-Lloret, J.; Li, Y.; Entwistle, L. J.; Khoury, H.; Papoutsopoulou, S.; Mahmood, R.; Mansour, N. R.; Huang, S. C.-C.; Pearce, E. J. et al.; de Carvalho, L. P. S.; Ley, S. C.; Wilson, M. S.: TPL-2 Regulates Macrophage Lipid Metabolism and M2 Differentiation to Control TH2-Mediated Immunopathology. PLoS Pathogens 12, S. e1005783 (2016)
Sergushichev, A. A.; Loboda, A. A.; Jha, A. K.; Vincent, E. E.; Driggers, E. M.; Jones, R. G.; Pearce, E. J.; Artyomov, M. N.: GAM: a web-service for integrated transcriptional and metabolic network analysis. Nucleic Acids Research 125, S. 4699 - 4713 (2016)
Sergushichev, A. A.; Loboda, A. A.; Jha, A. K.; Vincent, E. E.; Driggers, E. M.; Jones, R. G.; Pearce, E. J.; Artyomov, M. N.: GAM: a web-service for integrated transcriptional and metabolic network analysis. Nucleic Acids Research (London), S. W194 - W200 (2016)
Chang, C.-H.; Qiu, J.; O'Sullivan, D.; Buck, M.; Noguchi, T.; Curtis, J. D.; Chen, Q.; Gindin, M.; Gubin, M. M.; van der Windt, G. J.W. et al.; Tonc, E.; Schreiber, R. D.; Pearce, E. J.; Pearce, E. L.: Metabolic Competition in the Tumor Microenvironment is a Driver of Cancer Progression. Cell 162, S. 1229 - 1241 (2015)
Tussiwand, R.; Everts, B.; Grajales-Reyes, G. E.; Kretzer, N. M.; Iwata, A.; Bagaitkar, J.; Wu, X.; Wong, R.; Anderson, D. A.; Murphy, T. L. et al.; Pearce, E. J.; Murphy, K. M.: Klf4 expression in conventional dendritic cells is required for T helper 2 cell responses. Immunity 42, S. 916 - 928 (2015)
Fairfax, K. C.; Everts, B.; Amiel, E.; Smith, A. M.; Schramm, G.; Haas, H.; Randolph, G. J.; Taylor, J. J.; Pearce, E. J.: IL-4-Secreting secondary Tfh cells arise from memory T cells, not persisting Tfh cells, not persisting Tfh cells, through a B cell dependent mechanism. The Journal of Immunology 194, S. 2999 - 3010 (2015)
Jha, A.K.; Huang, S.C.; Sergushichev, A.; Lampropoulo, V.; Ivanova , Y.; Loginicheva , E.; Chielewski, K.; Stewart, K.M.; Ashali, J.; Everts, B. et al.; Pearce, E.J.; Driggers, E.M.; Artyomov, A.: Network integration of parallel metabolomics and transcirptional data reveals metabolic modules that regulate macrophage polarization. Immunity 42, S. 419 - 430 (2015)
Monin, L.; Griffiths, K. L.; Lam, W. Y.; Gopal, R.; Kang, D. D.; Ahmed, M.; Rajamanickam, A.; Cruz-Lagunas, A.; Zúñiga, J.; Babu, S. et al.; Kolls, J. K.; Mitreva, M.; Rosa, B. A.; Ramos-Payan, R.; Morrison, T. E.; Murray, P. J.; Rangel-Moreno, J.; Pearce, E. J.; Khader, S. A.: Helminth-induced arginase-1 exacerbates lung inflammation and disease severity in tuberculosis. Journal of Clinical Investigation 125, S. 4699 - 4713 (2015)
Pearce, E. J.; Everts, B.: Dendritic cell metabolism. Nature Reviews Immunology, S. 18 - 29 (2015)
Pearce, E. J.; Huang, S. C.-C.: The metabolic control of schistosome egg production. Cellular Microbiology 17, S. 796 - 801 (2015)
Amiel, E.; Everts, B.; Fritz, D.; Beauchamp, S.; Ge, B.; Pearce, E. L.; Pearce, E. J.: Mechanistic target of rapamycin inhition extend cellular lifespan in dendritic cells by preserving mitochondrial function. The Journal of Immunology 193, S. 2821 - 2830 (2014)
Huang, S. C.-C.; Everts, B.; Ivanova, Y.; O'Sullivan, D.; Nascimento, M.; Smith, A. M.; Beatty, W.; Love-Gregory, L.; Lam, W. Y.; O'Neill, C. M. et al.; Yan, C.; Du, H.; Abumrad, N. A.; Urban, J. F. J.; Artyomov, M. N.; Pearce, E. J.; Pearce, E. L.: Cell-intrinsic lysosomal lipolysis is essential for alternative activation of macrophages. Nature Immunology 15, S. 846 - 855 (2014)
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