Publikationen von Ibrahim Ibrahim Cissé

Zeitschriftenartikel (4)

Lee, C.; Quintana, A.; Suppanz, I.; Gomez-Auli, A.; Mittler, G.; Cissé, I. I.: Light-induced targeting enables proteomics on endogenous condensates. Cell 187, S. 7079 - 7090 (2024)
Zolotarev, N.; Wang, Y.; Du, M.; Bayer, M.; Grosschedl, A.; Cissé, I. I.; Grosschedl, R.: Regularly spaced tyrosines in EBF1 mediate BRG1 recruitment and formation of nuclear subdiffractive clusters. Genes and Development 38, S. 4 - 10 (2024)
Du, M.; Stitzinger, S. H.; Spille, J.-H.; Cho, W.-K.; Lee, C.; Hijaz, M.; Quintana, A.; Cissé, I. I.: Direct observation of a condensate effect on super-enhancer controlled gene bursting. Cell 187, S. 331 - 344 (2024)
Asimi, V.; Kumar, A. S.; Niskanen, H.; Riemenschneider, C.; Hetzel, S.; Naderi, J.; Fasching, N.; Popitsch, N.; Du, M.; Kretzmer, H. et al.; Smith, Z. D.; Weigert, R.; Walther, M.; Mamde, S.; Meierhofer, D.; Wittler, L.; Buschow, R.; Timmermann, B.; Cissé, I. I.; Ameres, S. L.; Meissner, A.; Hnisz, D.: Hijacking of transcriptional condensates by endogenous retroviruses. Nature Genetics 54, S. 1238 - 1247 (2022)
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