Publikationen von Praxedis Martin

Zeitschriftenartikel (8)

Zorn, C. N.; Pardo, J.; Martin, P.; Kuhny, M.; Simon, M. M.; Huber, M.: Secretory lysosomes of mouse mast cells store and exocytose active caspase-3 in a strictly granzyme B dependent manner. European Journal of Immunology 43, S. 3209 - 3218 (2013)
Joeckel, L. T.; Wallich, R.; Martin, P.; Sanchez-Martinez, D.; Weber, F. C.; Martin, S. F.; Borner, C.; Pardo, J.; Froelich, C.; Simon, M. M.: Mouse granzyme K has pro-inflammatory potential. Cell Death and Differentiation 18, S. 1112 - 1119 (2011)
Martin, P.; Pardo, J.; Schill, N.; Jöckel, L.; Berg, M.; Froehlich, C. J.; Wallich, R.; Simon, M. M.: Granzyme B-induced and Caspase 3-dependent Cleavage of Gelsolin by Mouse Cytotoxic T Cells Modifies Cytoskeleton Dynamics. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 285, S. 18918 - 18927 (2010)
Pardo, J.; Wallich, R.; Martin, P.; Urban, C.; Rongvaux, A.; Flavell, R. A.; Müllbacher, A.; Borner, C.; Simon, M. M.: Granzyme B-induced cell death exerted by ex vivo CTL: discriminating requirements for cell death and some of its signs. Cell Death and Differentiation 15, S. 567 - 579 (2008)
Pardo, J.; Wallich, R.; Ebnet, K.; Iden, S.; Zentgraf, H.; Martin, P.; Ekiciler, A.; Prins, A.; Müllbacher, A.; Huber, M. et al.: Granzyme B is expressed in mouse mast cells in vivo and in vitro and causes delayed cell death independent of perforin. Cell Death and Differentiation 14, S. 1768 - 1779 (2007)
Brummer, T.; Martin, P.; Herzog, S.; Misawa, Y.; Daly, R. J.; Reth, M.: Functional analysis of the regulatory requirements of B-Raf and B-RafV600E oncoprotein. Oncogene 25, S. 6262 - 6276 (2006)
Martin, P.; Wallich, R.; Pardo, J.; Müllbacher, A.; Munder, M.; Modolell, M.; Simon, M. M.: Quiescent and activated mouse granulocytes do not express granzyme A and B or perforin: similarities or differences with human polymorphonuclear leukocytes? Blood 106, S. 2871 - 2878 (2005)
Rode, M.; Balkow, S.; Sobek, V.; Brehm, R.; Martin, P.; Kersten, A.; Dumrese, T.; Stehle, T.; Müllbacher, A.; Wallich, R. et al.: Perforin and Fas Act Together in the Induction of Apoptosis, and Both Are Critical in the Clearance of Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus Infection. Journal of Virology 78, S. 12395 - 12405 (2004)

Hochschulschrift - Diplom (1)

Hochschulschrift - Diplom
Martin, P.: Untersuchungen zur expression von Granzym A, Granzym B und Perforin in murinen und humanen Granulozyten. Diplom, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Freiburg, Germany (2005)